Question about Minions and Harm
All humans have 7 harm capacity, right? Let’s say the Wronged is searching an abandoned house, and a cultist attacks him with a sword, close quarters. I imagine he’s already read a bad situation, and now the cultist got to him.
So the Wronged fires his shotgun (3-harm close messy) at the cultist, while maybe getting cut with the sword (2-harm hand messy). With a hit, the cultist takes 3 harm. The Wronged takes 1-2 harm, depending on armor.
I’m ok with the harm on the PC in this case. The player can choose to suffer little harm on a 10+, which together with armor reduces harm taken to 0. But what about the cultist? Clearly he’s not close to dying, unless the player chose to inflict terrible harm, in which case the cultist is unstable and will die without help.
Or should I just roll with it, and say the cultist is out, unconscious, dying, or dead? In any case he’s taken a shotgun blast at point blank, so should not be a problem any more.