Hey, love the game and I’m glad to see that the playbooks and move sheets are out.
Hey, love the game and I’m glad to see that the playbooks and move sheets are out. It makes it much easier to understand and run the game for me.
I haven’t played it yet but I am already thinking about hacks already to run a certain cyber-fantasy game.
I was thinking of adding the races as custom moves to add to the class playbooks along the lines of:
You are a giant hunk of knobby meat. If you don’t have +1 armor, you have +1 natural armor.
You are scary as hell. Take +1 to PLAY HARDBALL against non-trolls.
You’re Fucking Huge. It’s hard to fix things that fit. You take -1 to all rolls to GO UNDER THE KNIFE and HIT THE STREET to acquire [gear]
Not sure what to do about the other races yet. Thinking dwarf might get a minus to harm rolls and elves would have a bonus to fast talk.
Mage and Shaman would obviously be playbooks. I’m thinking Mage might have spells aka dungeon world and Shaman might summon spirits. Not sure yet. Thoughts?