Just looking for clarification briefly here: The Moment of Truth.

Just looking for clarification briefly here: The Moment of Truth.

Just looking for clarification briefly here: The Moment of Truth. Once you unlock it, it says you can activate it at any time. I’m assuming that since it’s on advancement twice, once it’s been activated, it’s spent and can’t be used again until you buy it again, but it doesn’t actually seem to say anywhere?

So tonight I’m running my second session of this for some friends – having never played with the PbtA rules before,…

So tonight I’m running my second session of this for some friends – having never played with the PbtA rules before,…

So tonight I’m running my second session of this for some friends – having never played with the PbtA rules before, which is it’s own set of challenges – and at the end of the session, the players managed to talk the villain down from his diabolical plot, and then let him walk away. Obviously, this seems like a prime hook for a session about the reaction of the city and the superhero community at large (‘why did they do that?’ etc). While I’d appreciate any advice on how best to make that happen, I was looking at the way you create supervillains, and wondering: could you use these to create other threats for the group, ie, an antagonistic television persona looking to stir up this story for ratings, or some other J. Jonah Jameson type?

Just a quick question!

Just a quick question!

Just a quick question!

I was watching the indie actual play of the game on YouTube, and there’s a lot of talk about a move called Build Someone Up – Is it no longer in the game? There’s nothing in my version of the beta rules ( Version 2) about it, though it’s mentioned under mundane in the same capacity as Piece Someone’s Mask! Just wondering if this was an oversight or if it was removed, and if so why!