Just ran my 4th session of Urban Shadows last night, and damn it flew into overdrive.

Just ran my 4th session of Urban Shadows last night, and damn it flew into overdrive.

Just ran my 4th session of Urban Shadows last night, and damn it flew into overdrive.

For the first 3 sessions, my players and myself were kinda figuring out how to play the system, who our characters were, and what the score was in our city. I was actually really stressed out running the game because for the last 26 years, if I went to game with the minimal amount of prep I brought to Shadows, it would have been a flaming disaster.

But last night, everything clicked. I asked the characters more questions, whcih really freed me of some of the burden of imagination. Demons were slaughtered, others summoned. Police were evaded. Secret cabals of wizards were met.

In short, the game was sweet and sexy.

Great work Mark, Andrew, et al.

Ironically, I recorded a podcast on Shadows while still struggling with the game. If you’re interested, it’s here: http://plotpoints.libsyn.com/82-urban-shadows-apocalypse-world-engine


Ran my first session last night.

Ran my first session last night.

Ran my first session last night. It was pretty sweet. Surprised at how with essentially no prep, we could sit down and tell an amazing story.

A demon hunter was possessed by a demon. A kidnapped woman was searched for, though not found, and a circle of witches was driven from the city.

Crazy stuff. Can’t wait for next week.