I have two players (Hacker and Fixer) who have picked the directive “Deceptive – When your lies about your identity…

I have two players (Hacker and Fixer) who have picked the directive “Deceptive – When your lies about your identity…

I have two players (Hacker and Fixer) who have picked the directive “Deceptive – When your lies about your identity or your past put the mission at risk, mark experience.”

I have some ideas about how we can work their past into the game, but I’m not sure how lies about it could put the mission at risk exactly. We haven’t fully nailed down what their secrets are, so that may help, but in general I’m having a tough time imagining how lying about one’s past could put a mission at risk.

I think there are just too many moving parts. It seems like I would need to create a situation where first, the player must lie, which would be quite difficult with this group, and then have that lie somehow impact the mission. Maybe I’m overthinking it.

I am interested in examples of how others have handled this directive.