Some thoughts on running a Monsterhearts One-Shot:

Some thoughts on running a Monsterhearts One-Shot:

Some thoughts on running a Monsterhearts One-Shot:

So last night I ran a one-shot game, with no real prep, for three players (one had played before, one had some experience with RPGs years ago mostly with D&D and the third had never played RPGs before).

It went really well.  Here are some things I did to help make sure that it would, since it was only a one shot.

Making Characters:  This feels like such an integral part of Monsterhearts, choosing how you intertwine your characters together, that I did not want to skip this step.  I did not want pre-gen characters.  I did, however, only give them a few skins to choose from.  Limiting options means that A) It doesn’t take as long to go over all of the choices, and B) They are not paralyzed by too many options.

We made the characters, and it went very quickly, I just encouraged the players to dive right in and told them they couldn’t make a wrong choice with their stats or Moves, especially since it was only a one-shot.

Homeroom:  With only one night to play, there isn’t a need for ten to twenty different NPCs to interact with, they just aren’t going to get to all of them.  But again, setting up the people around them is an important part of binding the story together, and I didn’t want to skip it.  So, I gave them five people in their class.  I told them there are others, but these are the ones that are most likely to be playing major roles in the game that evening.  Asked the leading questions, and we got a small cast for the night.

Setting:  I did very little to establish the town, we all came up with places as we needed, but only really had three or four that just kept getting re-used.  There were a lot of clandestine meetings in the ravine in the park, for instance.  I kept this part to a minimum because they could invent places as they needed them.

What I did do was give them a singular place in time, that night was prom and that event was what the game centered around.

Motivations:  Monsterhearts gives some great motivations normally, but they can take a slow boil sometimes and I wanted them to dive right into things.  I got three scraps of paper, and wrote down a secret on each, and handed them out randomly to the players in order to provide a motivation for them to be acting on that day.  The Witch was given “You have a magic ring, and you know that if you can kill someone at the stroke of midnight it will let you live forever”, the Ghoul got “You’ve never been laid, and if you don’t before midnight tonight you are going to die, for good”, and the Fae got “Someone tried to run you over with their car last night.  You don’t know who, but someone is trying to kill you”.

Admittedly, these could have been a lot less specific, and more open-ended, but that I think was a result of coming up with them on the fly.  The point, though, is that it gave them each a jumping-off point for the one-shot to start the game off running.

Big Mistake:  In our haste to get things going, we actually forgot to highlight stats for everyone, and XP growth was a lot slower than it should have been.  At first I thought it might be a good thing, because it was one less thing for new players to worry about with the mechanics of the rules, but I quickly realized that the big problem with that is that it meant it wasn’t as meaningful for them to offer strings to one another for XP to do things they wanted.  Luckily my players went with it as though XP was still important, but it could have been a lot less successful than it was.

Simply put:  Don’t forget this step.  The characters need to be able to push each other, and offering strings back is one of the most important ways they do that.


The game basically ended with the witch in the parking lot accidentally injuring the Ghoul’s girlfriend with a gun she got FROM the Ghoul’s girlfriend, getting beaten to a pulp by the Ghoul, going darkest self, and then shooting the Fae’s prom date and draining his soul for immortality (targeting the Fae’s boyfriend because the NPC he got pregnant at bible camp asked the Witch to kill him)


I would do pretty much that same things I did the next time I run a one-shot, and recommend others do too.

Let the players make their characters but don’t give them tons of skins to choose from.  Either a limited pool, or hand 2-3 skins to each player.  Emphasize that there is no wrong choice.

Only a handful of NPCs, but let the players make them still.  It binds them into the story.

Give players story prompts for their characters, don’t build a plot.  Most one-shots are set-up with more railroading than normal to keep players confined to a short story.  Instead of building a road for Monsterhearts though, instead accelerate the beginning but give them the room to make their own mess of things.

Give them a defined deadline in game, and make it very soon.  My game lasted from after school to midnight of the same day.

Don’t railroad, just Intensify time limit and motives.

I hope this is helpful for some people.

Alright, here we go:  Draft #1 of The Pixie.  Here are the Moves and Darkest Self that I have planned so far.

Alright, here we go:  Draft #1 of The Pixie.  Here are the Moves and Darkest Self that I have planned so far.

Alright, here we go:  Draft #1 of The Pixie.  Here are the Moves and Darkest Self that I have planned so far.

Anything to Help

If someone without the Pixie’s Friend Condition gains 5 Strings on you they gain the condition Pixie’s Friend and you mark Experience.

Anytime you Lash Out at someone, you take a penalty equal to the number of Strings they have on you.

Eager to Please

When someone uses a String to offer you Experience for doing something, you carry 1 Forward to do what they ask and when you complete their request they also mark Experience.


When you Turn On someone, you gain a bonus to your roll equal to the number of Strings they have on you.

Faerie Food

Anytime you prepare food or drink you can choose to enchant it by rolling Dark.  On a 10+ you may choose one effect from the following list to befall anyone that eats or drinks that food or beverage (as little as one bite or sip will do).  On 7-9 you choose one, and the MC chooses one (MC does not need to disclose their choice until after food/drink is imbibed).

– They gain the Drunk condition

– They gain the Hallucinating condition

– They gain the Amorous condition

– They suffer 1 Harm

– They become their Darkest Self until the end of the scene

– They fall asleep


You can manifest translucent wings and fly.  Anyone that witnesses you in flight gains a String on you.


You can perform any mundane chore or repair in 1/10th the normal time it takes, as long as it is for someone else.  Anyone that witnesses you working like this gains a String on you.

Silent Helper

If you spend time and/or resources to help someone else without them knowing about it, gain a String on them.  If you do it in such a way that they think someone other than you is responsible for helping them, give the string to this third party and also give that third party a String on you.

Darkest Self: All you do is give, give, give, and all they do is take take take…all of your effort to help and eagerness to please is soured into mischief and malice. Every string that someone holds on you is lost and becomes a string that you have on them. You will use them all to ruin lives and relationships however you can, but with lies and trickery if possible. You leave your Darkest Self either when no one has Strings on you and you have no Strings on anyone, or when someone gains two Strings on you.

I’ve started work on another new Skin – The Pixie.

I’ve started work on another new Skin – The Pixie.

I’ve started work on another new Skin – The Pixie.

Where the Frozen is a loner quietly trying to find or keep a precious few people that are important to them, the Pixie is someone who can only validate themselves through how much other people like them.  This is not the co-dependent clingy mortal, this is the social butterfly flinging themselves around and bending over backwards to help others in any way they can in an attempt to find acceptance and love.

I will be posting my initial notes here soon, but I wanted to ask if anyone knew of another skin I am not aware of that was already covering this ground?  And if so, what that skin did right or wrong?

Here it is, Version 1.3 of The Frozen.

Here it is, Version 1.3 of The Frozen.

Originally shared by Daniel E

Here it is, Version 1.3 of The Frozen.  This is likely to be the finalized version, unless someone points out a glaring problem.

Please, enjoy, and let me know how it goes using it!

Okay, I got a proper skin made for my ‘Ice Queen’ type character, The Frozen.

Okay, I got a proper skin made for my ‘Ice Queen’ type character, The Frozen.

Okay, I got a proper skin made for my ‘Ice Queen’ type character, The Frozen.

It’s presented gender neutral for the most part, but the image I used presents as female.

I took down my previous post, as this is a much more refined version of the Skin I think.  I’m sure there are a couple of typos I can work out though.  (For instance I just noticed that the sex move should grant three Strings, not two).

While the influence for the skin shouldn’t be hard to guess, I find I like Skins best when they aren’t about ‘super-powers’ and rather each move really helps drive the drama.  Generally I’d agree with others in the Group that starting with an emotional theme and then picking a monster to fit it is the way to go, this one kind of worked the other way.  That said, I really tried to focus on the emotional issues and turmoil of the inspiring film character to drive the creation of this Skin.

I really am eager for feedback from people, if there is anything you like or dislike please let me know.

I’m already working on my next skin, and any tips from this could help me refine the next one before I put it up here – The Pixie.

EDIT:  Version 1.3 now up