I’m running a game with a Star, and they’ve missed the last two sessions due to computer issues.
I’m running a game with a Star, and they’ve missed the last two sessions due to computer issues. In these two sessions, the team managed to take out a notorious supervillain (who, like the Star, is a popular new-media sensation), something which nobody (especially not me, the GM) would have ever expected them to do.
Obviously, this would make waves in the media, and it feels like the logical response of the press would be “well, where was the Star during all this?” This is also apropos due to the in-character explanation being that they’re in the hospital after picking a fight with a much-more-powerful supervillain to appease their needy audience.
However, I feel like directly giving them consequences for missing out (even if it’s something like marking a condition) is somewhat mean, since they had no control over the computer issues. What do you think is a good balance between not punishing the player for things out of their control, and getting affected by the fallout of missing a major triumph of the team?