Hey all.

Hey all.

Hey all. Haven’t seen anything posted here on the Kult: Divinity Lost kickstarter yet. This reboot of the ’90s Swedish horror RPG is apparently a heavily modified AW hack.

I’ve always loved Kult since the first edition, mainly for its amazing setting and hellraiser-esque aesthetic. But the rules always felt a little clunky, and so hearing that it is being brought back as PbtA game (or at least heavily inspired by) is really exciting to me.

I’d recommend checking it out if you like dark occult horror.


Which PBTA game would you use to run Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD?

Which PBTA game would you use to run Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD?

Which PBTA game would you use to run Marvel’s Agents of SHIELD? Like low-powered supers, investigative, action, ongoing with elements of monster of the week, twists and turns, character drama and angst.

AW: Fury Road!

AW: Fury Road!

AW: Fury Road!

Ok, lets do this!  Which characters are which playbooks, and why?  Spoilers to be expected!

Furiosa: This is a tough one, but I’m going with the Touchstone – she’s got a vision of how things could be better and she’s working tirelessly towards it, bringing the others along with her.

Max:  I’m going Gunlugger. He’s tough, he’s the baddest ass.  He’s concerned with one thing only: survival.  He’s “mad” because he’s opened his mind to the psychic maelstrom a few too many times, and now he can’t close it… hence the visions of those who’ve died.

Nux:  The Driver – fairly obvious. He’s an expert driver, that’s what he does.

Immortan Joe – At first I thought Hardholder… but actually I think he’s a Hocus with an incredibly large cult.  Look at the whole belief structure he’s embedded in the War Boys, and the way he presents himself as the people’s saviour.  Total Hocus.

Capable:  Skinner – I feel like when she has time and intimacy with Nux, she’s using Hypnotize to bring him on board with helping them escape

What do you folks think?  😀

Hi! Doors anyone know if there are any 1 page versions of the MotW playbooks?

Hi! Doors anyone know if there are any 1 page versions of the MotW playbooks?

Hi! Doors anyone know if there are any 1 page versions of the MotW playbooks?

We started our MotW game last night. Went pretty well. The only difficulty is we have two players who are very new to roleplaying and they found the 4 page playbooks very hard to navigate and find things on.

I think if there was a 1 page sheet for them it would simplify things and make their character info more immediately accessible.

Has any one done 1 page versions?

Hi all.

Hi all.

Hi all.  I’ve been wanting to try out Monster of the Week for a while now, and we’re going to be starting a game next week. I’ll be the Keeper, there will be three players.

The thing we’re thinking of doing is basically running this in the world of Supernatural, using their setting and mythos straight from the show.  We’re not going to be playing the Winchesters, and I don’t want to involve them (we’ll have to think about how this works, maybe we set it in the 70s or something). We’re all massive fans of the show, and given how influenced MotW is by it, it seems like an easy option 🙂

I just wondered if anyone else had run MotW in the Supernatural setting, and how did it go?

Does anyone have any advice on how to approach playbook design?

Does anyone have any advice on how to approach playbook design?

Does anyone have any advice on how to approach playbook design?  I have a couple of ideas I have started working on and I’m wondering what approaches others have taken to design.

The stuff in “Advanced Fuckery” is obviously good, but it’s more at the nuts & bolts level than I’m looking for.  Anyone have any good overall advice?  “Think about these key things before starting…”  “I always get a good visual image first…”  ” Define the core of who the playbook is first…”

That sort of thing maybe 🙂

Special Moves:  Sometimes the characters have sex with an NPC, but their special move only seems to give any effect…

Special Moves:  Sometimes the characters have sex with an NPC, but their special move only seems to give any effect…

Special Moves:  Sometimes the characters have sex with an NPC, but their special move only seems to give any effect if the other participant is a PC…

Does anyone (other than me) sometimes wish the special moves kicked in when a PC has sex with an NPC also?  Has anyone made any modifications to the special moves to facilitate this?  What would be the effect?

(This is one of the first Google Communities I’ve joined!

(This is one of the first Google Communities I’ve joined!

(This is one of the first Google Communities I’ve joined!  Do we introduce ourselves on these things? Well I’ll do so just in case 🙂  )

I’m Drew, I live in the UK, and Apocalypse World might just be my favourite RPG ever.  I’m currently running a game set in an icy archipelago during a nuclear winter.  Its going pretty well so far.  Set up info for anyone interested can be found here:  https://plus.google.com/u/0/110549639616008158383/posts/VJj1npJiid2
