Wherein I gush about how a casual RPG post just made my day…
Wherein I gush about how a casual RPG post just made my day…
Wherein I gush about how a casual RPG post just made my day…
Wherein I gush about how a casual RPG post just made my day…
Wherein I gush about how a casual RPG post just made my day…
A couple of AP’s, and my critiques thereof…
A couple of AP’s, and my critiques thereof…
Wherein I ponder my favorite of the Apocalypse Engine RPGs…
Wherein I ponder my favorite of the Apocalypse Engine RPGs…
Here’s the latest draft of my zombie apocalypse hack, World Gone Mad.
Here’s the latest draft of my zombie apocalypse hack, World Gone Mad. I’ve got ten custom-made, full playbooks, custom basic and special moves, scenario moves for no-prep adventures, character moves for gaining XP, a different damage system, custom moves handling safehouses, starving, and weather, and more! Please feel free to download it, and let me know if you play it!
Adam Koebel , Sage LaTorra , Vincent Baker , Michael Sands …I know you guys probably get this a lot, and you’re probably really busy, but I would be honored if you got a chance to flip through this stuff and tell me your thoughts.
https://drive.google.com/folderview?id=0BxOLKvL9ehx2Z0dQam1ZYzU5QTg&usp=sharingI did a one-hour, one-shot of Monster of the Week yesterday afternoon for a group of four. Here’s how it went:
I did a one-hour, one-shot of Monster of the Week yesterday afternoon for a group of four. Here’s how it went:
We had a Mad Scientist, a Big Game Hunter, an Expert, and a Professional. The adventure started “en media res;” the hunters, with backup from the Professional’s agency, launched an attack on a den of vampires. Four of the vamps escaped, and the four hunters chased after them. The four vamps were out of blood from all the fighting, so they had few powers at their disposal. One good stake through the heart would finish them off!
Unforunately for the hunters, the vampires fled into a nearby super Wal-Mart that had just opened its doors for its annual Black Friday sale. The Professional’s agency, following the player’s selection of “has to do questionable or odd tasks for the agency”, was directed NOT to shut down the Wal-mart or cause a panic. So the hunters tried to be subtle.
Well, “tried” might be a bit of a stretch. There were many, many casulties. Very few of them were from the vampires.
Puttin’ on a game this weekend for a group of new players.
Puttin’ on a game this weekend for a group of new players. Play report to follow. If you’re in the Alexandria, VA area and want to hunt some monsters, holla!
For my zombie apocalypse hack “World Gone Mad,” I made custom moves for the various weapons a survivor would use…
For my zombie apocalypse hack “World Gone Mad,” I made custom moves for the various weapons a survivor would use when fighting the undead. Here’s a sample one that’s gone over really well with my playtest group:
Shotgun Blast
When a character shoots a zombie with a shotgun, the player makes a chick-chick sound (even if the shotgun isn’t a pump-action) and rolls +3.
On a 12+, two zombies are killed.
On a hit, a zombie is killed.
On a 6-9, the zombie staggers. A second shell can be spent to kill it.
I have taken my zombie apocalypse hack World Gone Mad (formerly Zombie World) out of public distribution because I…
I have taken my zombie apocalypse hack World Gone Mad (formerly Zombie World) out of public distribution because I now have a regular group Alpha testing it. If anyone wants access to it for their own playtesting, just let me know!
Wondering if any of ya’ll can help me…
Wondering if any of ya’ll can help me…
For my AW zombie apocalypse hack World Gone Mad, I’m trying to design some playbooks. I have six, but I’d like seven or more. The trick is, my playbooks are supposed to represent broad strokes of lifestyle and personality; for example, “The Scondrel” playbook can be anything from a corrupt politician to an ex-con, to a teenager who likes to steal stuff.
Here are the six I have so far:
“The Leader”
“The Healer”
“The Scoundrel”
“The Thinker”
“The Worker”
“The Hunter”
Right now, the Hunter covers both skill with weapons and tools as well as athletic capacity. I’m thinking about making a second playbook, “The Athlete,” who takes all the physical-related moves from the Hunter. So if I can’t think of anything else, that’s probably what I’ll do.
But if anybody in the community can think of any other kind of walks-of-life that should be represented with a playbook, I’m all ears!
Does Sean Preston or anyone here have a pdf of tremulus that I can look at?
Does Sean Preston or anyone here have a pdf of tremulus that I can look at? I am doing a presentation on H.P. Lovecraft for my Grad School American Writers class this coming Monday, and I’d love to plug the game (as well as RPGs in general) to the crowd. I could also plug other Cthulhu games, but I LOVE the Apocalypse Engine and if tremulus is even half as good as it promises to be, I think it’s going to be the best Cthulhu game out there.
So if I can get my hands on a draft to read over and present to my class on Monday, that would be awesome. If I can’t get one because of copyright issues or whatever, I understand. I’ve tried to find a place to buy the game, but it does not appear to be out yet, and mum’s the word on when it is coming out.