So, I’ve made fronts for my game – two of them so far, and the beginnings of another.

So, I’ve made fronts for my game – two of them so far, and the beginnings of another.

So, I’ve made fronts for my game – two of them so far, and the beginnings of another. Hints, comments and advice are welcome.

I have a question about fronts – specifically Grotesques, particularly disease vectors:

I have a question about fronts – specifically Grotesques, particularly disease vectors:

I have a question about fronts – specifically Grotesques, particularly disease vectors:

Are grotesques always one person, or can they be a group? It seems that most of the other kinds of threats encompass more than one person – even the “Warlord” encompasses his gang and others under his control. But under grotesques, it says that they are a person.

In the game, I have an npc, Momo, who is a prostitute, and she is sick. I was considering making her part of a brothel that’s spreading some nasty new disease as a disease vector. Or it could be that it’s just Momo who’s the threat, then add a Disease threat and add either the brothel or Momo’s boyfriend and cronies as a Brute threat.


I’ve just started running a game of AW – here’s the play report for my first session.

I’ve just started running a game of AW – here’s the play report for my first session.

I’ve just started running a game of AW – here’s the play report for my first session. I think I may come back to ask you guys some questions later.