With the shutdown of Google+ looming, are there any plans to migrate over to a different platform or site?

With the shutdown of Google+ looming, are there any plans to migrate over to a different platform or site?

With the shutdown of Google+ looming, are there any plans to migrate over to a different platform or site?

I had to end a WWWRPG season prematurely for a myriad of reasons, so I decided to wrap things up in the most grim…

I had to end a WWWRPG season prematurely for a myriad of reasons, so I decided to wrap things up in the most grim…

I had to end a WWWRPG season prematurely for a myriad of reasons, so I decided to wrap things up in the most grim way possible.

I’m hoping to get another game going with some of the same players down the line, but time commitments are a hard thing to work around.



It’s tough playing Creative when sometimes you just wanna get in the ring and run a match with your Talent.

It’s tough playing Creative when sometimes you just wanna get in the ring and run a match with your Talent.

It’s tough playing Creative when sometimes you just wanna get in the ring and run a match with your Talent. Is this how Vince McMahon felt in the 90s?