The Sprawl One Shot Document v0.1 is online!

The Sprawl One Shot Document v0.1 is online!

The Sprawl One Shot Document v0.1 is online!

I’m trying to come up with a quick and dirty way to run The Sprawl for a con and one shot format by asking leading questions and seeing where it goes! 

I use this style for my Dungeon World games and I’m trying to steer it into The Sprawl. 

I’m curious to see what others have to say… even if it’s only “get rid of everything you wrote except the list of leading questions!”

Good morning!

Good morning!

Good morning!

My name is Eric and I do a indie RPG one shot show on called Once Upon A Game. Yesterday for valentines day I played a one shot of Avery’s Monsterhearts! 

Our 4 players, on the verge of their high school graduation, receive news they actually lack the credits to graduate! Their strange Guidance Counselor assigns them a group-study project for them to complete before graduation to make up the credits…. and then that’s where things start going horribly wrong.

I hope you enjoy this AP! 

I admit that I probably could have been more knowledgeable with the mechanics (looking at the NPC advantages/strings), but with hundreds of hours of story gaming and PBtA gaming, I winged it and we all enjoyed the story! This AP, if anything, is a testament to the MC reference sheet.

Thank you for your time!

PS- if you’re ever interested in playing monsterhearts or some other story game with me online let me know! Me and the Once Upon A Game community is always looking for new players!

This past weekend I had the tremendous opportunity to GM a one shot of Night Witches online.

This past weekend I had the tremendous opportunity to GM a one shot of Night Witches online.

This past weekend I had the tremendous opportunity to GM a one shot of Night Witches online. 

It’s a 4 hour session that, I thought, did a reasonably good job at demoing the brilliance of this game.