Kinda odd question, but I am putting together Monster of the Week playbooks for by in-laws (to lure them into…
Kinda odd question, but I am putting together Monster of the Week playbooks for by in-laws (to lure them into RPGing, since they expressed interest), and the design I am going by is a page that folds into itself three times*. This is the design of the Spanish AW version and is an eye catcher.
Anyway, part of the strong impulse to pick up the playbooks for non-players is the character art in the “front page” of each one. I am thinking about making two versions of each playbook, male/female, and have the picture be a heavy photoshopped B/W image of an actor (kinda like, the Expert is played by Jack Nicholson), to help with imagery.
If you had to put together a cast of actors for a MotW series, what would it be? Money is not an issue 
* I do not know the word in English, sorry. A flier with three columns?