I just fixed a previous post so people can comment on it if they wish.
I just fixed a previous post so people can comment on it if they wish. I don’t know how that happened there. So if anyone wanted to backtrack and throw ideas my way, I’d be very grateful.
On a separate note my brother and I finally dove into how the Matrix works for the Sprawl and we are very impressed.
Someone posted on here a while ago about the dead games society covering cyberpunk 2013 (basically 2020) and they address the problem that I think most cyberpunk RPG players experience; the frustration of MC/GMing a netrunner character in a party.
My experience with including a Netrunner player into a group of operatives has always, always been bad. Which sucks because it’s such an integral part of the heist element. Dead Games podcast brings this up and how you really miss out on a HUGE piece of the genre by NOT having a netrunner. So this gave me the resolve to dive back into the Sprawl’s Matrix section and really actually learn it.
Hamish has done a lot of work on keeping the spirit of Netrunning alive as envisioned in the original cyberpunk 2020 game. As someone who plays A:NR religiously you can definitely feel it’s influence as well. The way the Matrix works in the Sprawl is clean, streamlined, functional, and FUN! If you (like me) have not given it the chance it deserves I urge you to get a netrunner into the group and make that happen, it’s worth it and will change how you run your games IMO.
TL:DR = The Matrix section of the Sprawl is fucking cool, go read it again and get a Netrunner into your party. Also go comment on my previous post 😉
Trying to think of some advanced moves for an extensive Matrix run.
Trying to think of some advanced moves for an extensive Matrix run.
Scenario: I have only one player. He’s the hacker. We are basically doing a dungeon crawl but the “dungeon” is a Matrix system so this game will take place almost exclusively within this extensive matrix system. That being said, what are some advanced moves I can have him make in the matrix since the main sprawl rules are designed to be fast paced and work with a physical team of operatives?
He’ll be interacting with ICE, rouge AI’s, and lost personality constructs while in the hostile system.
Does anyone know of any actual Sprawl play on youtube or podcast?
Does anyone know of any actual Sprawl play on youtube or podcast? The ones I’ve seen so far don’t really follow the mission structure or the world, not that that’s bad, but It’d be cool to watch/listen to some play of just straight up Sprawl.
Everyone’s posting pics like this.
Everyone’s posting pics like this. Couldn’t resist. Missing from my collection due to being loaned out: Hardwired, Electric Church, and Starfish.
My copy of the sprawl just came in the mail.
My copy of the sprawl just came in the mail. <3 you Hamish for all the work you've poured into this beauty. Truly a cyberpunk dream come true. I'm going to netrunner world championships and hope to get some people to play some sprawl during down time. Will spread the word.
If you’re like me and struggle to get your group together I might recommend what my friends and I have been doing.
If you’re like me and struggle to get your group together I might recommend what my friends and I have been doing. We play Sprawl over Slack. It’s slow going, but as an MC I am able to be way more descriptive about the world, think carefully about my moves and communicate with my players individually as well as in our “game” channel. We also found a way to customize it to give it that cyberpunk feel we needed. Just a thought for people with odd hours and weird schedules.
One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move.
One thing I don’t understand is the whole “conduct an operation” move. Is that like a singular move to fast-track an entire mission? Or is it more to give guidance to missions the PC’s go on? So far we haven’t used that move at all.
Okay reading over the example for “conduct an operation” has led me to believe that it’s kind of like a “mini-mission” that they do in the legwork phase to prepare for a mission. Seems kind of cool. It could provide them intel or gear. Or could draw attention, advance clocks, and create threats. I’d still like input and feedback on how you guys use this move.
I’m wondering how people use maps in their games.
I’m wondering how people use maps in their games. I’ve always been very reluctant to draw out maps for my players as I feel they have the potential to stifle their imagination of an environment. They can be very useful though, especially when describing combat positions.
I’m thinking of putting together a world map for my players to give them a frame of reference as to where they are at in their sprawl. However it would not be the traditional ‘top-down’ birds-eye map.
Whenever we play cyberpunk games I like to emphasize how vertical the the city is. I like it when gravity plays a large role as one of the dangers the players face on the daily.
I’m thinking of drawing up a sideview map so that my players know how high or low up in the city they are at any given time since it seems to be a common thing we discuss at our table.
Thoughts on maps? Any map-making freeware recommendations?
Thanks Chris Call for the sweet game aids!
Thanks Chris Call for the sweet game aids!