Has anyone considered how a ‘bonus’ system like Fate points would work with Urban Shadows?

Has anyone considered how a ‘bonus’ system like Fate points would work with Urban Shadows?

Has anyone considered how a ‘bonus’ system like Fate points would work with Urban Shadows?

My thinking is that players could spend earned points to do things like upgrade the result of a roll by one step (failure -> success with cost -> success), perhaps even allowing unlocking the Advanced successes on basic moves without having bought them yet. Maybe allow them to be spent to avoid marking corruption or something.

But what I’m less clear about is how I’d want to go about awarding these points. I could simply give them for great descriptions or awesome play, but Fate also tends to award points for allowing a character to be compelled to do something, and the only thing that really seems analogous in Urban Shadows would be paying a debt without resisting it.

What are people’s thoughts? Are there ways that this could ‘break’ the underlying assumptions of the game that I might be missing? Are there similar hacks already out there that I could look at? Any other ideas for both awarding and spending these points?

I’m getting ready to run my first-ever session of Urban Shadows next week, and I’m of two minds about trying to add this kind of mechanic from the beginning.