Looking for additional players in our weekly Hangouts gaming night.

Looking for additional players in our weekly Hangouts gaming night.

Looking for additional players in our weekly Hangouts gaming night.

Our group started about 2 years ago, and we play mostly PbtA games like:

* Monster Hearts

* Masks

* Urban Shadows

Occasionally we play a different system like Witch RPG. Smallville.

Since this new years two of our players have withdrawn from our group, we are looking to add one or two new players.

Our next game is slotted to be Apocalypse World Second Edition.

We play on Saturday Evening from 7 PM CET untill 11PM CET.

Come join Andy Yount, Ursus Lenis and myself in our next games.

Give me a PM and we’ll see if you’re fit for the group.


Looking for one player for a new Monsterhearts campaign*

Looking for one player for a new Monsterhearts campaign*

Looking for one player for a new Monsterhearts campaign*

To start of the new year our regular group decided it was time for a new and familiar game. And we decided to go with Monster Hearts. Now to fill out our group to four regular players and GM we are looking for one more player

We play weekly on Saturday on 19:00 through 23:00 CEST on Hangouts. 

Requirements Camera and good microphone. 

If you like MonsterHearts and/or PbtA games and you’re interested send me a message or reply to this thread.

As my evening freed up.

As my evening freed up.

Originally shared by Jeroen “Zenmah” van Lier

As my evening freed up. I want to run a Masks RPG one shot. This is a Apocalypse Wold hack still in development. Let me know if you are interested in joining me for a test run of the system as it it.

The game focussen on young superheroes as they come to terms with their abilities and place in the world as super heroes.


As coincidence might have it my Urban Shadows game won’t be on tonight.

As coincidence might have it my Urban Shadows game won’t be on tonight.

As coincidence might have it my Urban Shadows game won’t be on tonight. So since i’ve been readin a lot about Masks I’m thinking of running a one-shot tonight. 

Time 19:00 CEST tonight (27th of September). anyone interested/available?

edit: I plan on a 3 hour session until 22:00 CEST.

If there’s any interest I’ll send out a invite.

I will finally be a player in our Urban Shadows campaign, and I wanted to try out the Dragon Archetype.

I will finally be a player in our Urban Shadows campaign, and I wanted to try out the Dragon Archetype.

I will finally be a player in our Urban Shadows campaign, and I wanted to try out the Dragon Archetype. But i wasn’t clear on the Soulmates mechanic. 

It states that once the MC reveals the nature of one of your Soulmates you “Unlock the advance associated with them”.

The wording isn’t really clear, what does this mean.

 – Is this an additional advance you can take?

 –  Or do you immediately take the advance associated with the Soulmate?