Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC.

Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC.

Watching House of Cards makes me want to write a hack about scheming politicos in DC. I think it could very easily be done… hell, you could basically run it as Monsterhearts.

The following post is classified ALPHA DUCK ULTRAVIOLET!

The following post is classified ALPHA DUCK ULTRAVIOLET!

The following post is classified ALPHA DUCK ULTRAVIOLET! If you are reading this post and are not cleared for ALPHA DUCK ULTRAVIOLET, please report immediately to your nearest confession booth for termination. Remember: obedience is mandatory, citizen!

I ran a Paranoia hack for a group of friends just before Christmas. I ran it essentially seat-of-the-pants, relying on the various cross-purposes that I had set up in the Mandatory Bonus Duty and Secret Society sheets to cause chaos. Which ensued in the form of teleporting mutants, robotic rhino rampages, multi-directional treason triels, and Commie mutant sabotuers – all in all, a highly successful game of Paranoia. The Mandatory Dance Parties were also a highlight, helping to keep energy levels high throughout the game!

No real rules beyond 2d6+stat and some vague hit-point esque mechanics; given that it’s treasonous to know the rules anyway, I figured that I didn’t need any more than that. The Computer is your Friend, citizens!