I feel like I’ve been out of the loop with PbtA games lately.

I feel like I’ve been out of the loop with PbtA games lately.

I feel like I’ve been out of the loop with PbtA games lately. Which recent games do you recommend taking a look at? What’s the cool new tech people have been working with?

Hey Paul Beakley and others who have discussed revising the Man playbook – do you want to see what we did with it,…

Hey Paul Beakley and others who have discussed revising the Man playbook – do you want to see what we did with it,…

Hey Paul Beakley and others who have discussed revising the Man playbook – do you want to see what we did with it, or work on your own thing without being unduly influenced by our blabbering?

Did you know Clarissa Baut Stetson and Jason Morningstar made the best playbooks for Sagas of the Icelanders?

Did you know Clarissa Baut Stetson and Jason Morningstar made the best playbooks for Sagas of the Icelanders?

Originally shared by Keith Stetson

Did you know Clarissa Baut Stetson and Jason Morningstar made the best playbooks for Sagas of the Icelanders? S’truth!


About to start a new campaign of MH and I’m considering playing the Hidden.

About to start a new campaign of MH and I’m considering playing the Hidden.

About to start a new campaign of MH and I’m considering playing the Hidden. Has anyone tried out this skin yet? It seems like it could be amazing, but could also fall flat.

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at…

Originally shared by Keith Stetson

I think the custom moves in our Sagas of the Icelanders game do a pretty good job of indicating where the game is at right now:

When you gaze through Odin’s empty eye, roll +wyrd. On a hit Odin reveals the true form of what lies before you. On a 10+ the vision is relatively clear and quite likely to be what others also deem the truth. On a 7-9 the vision is murky and perhaps less unanimously the truth. On a 6- another deity shows you what they wish. The provenance of all visions is suspect.

When you don the skin of a wolf properly killed, roll +young. On a 10+ your spirit dominates that of the wolf and you maintain control. On a 7-9 you struggle back and forth, sharing control. Choose two:

-You do not harm your allies

-You do not harm yourself

-You do not reveal yourself to another

On a 6- you awake as if from a black slumber with no recollection of what you have done.

I’m re-reading Avery Mcdaldno’s wonderful Monsterhearts and found myself questioning why they made three moves out…

I’m re-reading Avery Mcdaldno’s wonderful Monsterhearts and found myself questioning why they made three moves out…

I’m re-reading Avery Mcdaldno’s wonderful Monsterhearts and found myself questioning why they made three moves out of what seems like it could be one.

I’m thinking here of “manipulate an NPC” which seems like it could cover “shut someone down” and “turn someone on” (at least for NPCs).

However, “manipulate an NPC” specifically says “It requires you to actually want something from the NPC, rather than just wanting to cow them or manipulate their emotions (see when you shut someone down for that). ” 

I’m wondering what the thought/design process was for that. I’m interested in everyone’s thoughts, not just Avery’s!

Has anyone made a nice, printable version of the common moves that takes up the front and back of a single piece of…

Has anyone made a nice, printable version of the common moves that takes up the front and back of a single piece of…

Has anyone made a nice, printable version of the common moves that takes up the front and back of a single piece of paper?  Jason Morningstar, I’m looking your way.  I remember your awesome character sheets from the beta version (did you ever update them?)

Hey Gregor Vuga, any idea when the physical books from the Indiegogo will be shipping out?

Hey Gregor Vuga, any idea when the physical books from the Indiegogo will be shipping out?

Hey Gregor Vuga, any idea when the physical books from the Indiegogo will be shipping out?  Running a campaign soon and I vastly prefer referring to paper materials (yeah, I know that’s backwards).