The latest draft currently being worked on.

The latest draft currently being worked on.

The latest draft currently being worked on. This is still pre-editing but taking into account a lot of initial feedback. (mostly concerning basic moves). The idea is to take into account as much feedback as possible and get the best game we can out there. Once Jonathan comes back with his edits they’ll be taken into account as well and I’ll change it out of an alpha stage.

So I made a Superheroes game mostly working off of DW with some moves from AW re-purposed as well, the playtesting…

So I made a Superheroes game mostly working off of DW with some moves from AW re-purposed as well, the playtesting…

So I made a Superheroes game mostly working off of DW with some moves from AW re-purposed as well, the playtesting is coming along nicely. I put together some character sheets, reference material and a playtest doc if anyone wants to check it out, feedback is always welcome!

The playtest doc is here:

The characters sheets, basic moves, and EiC sheet is here: