I’m kind of new to running Powered by the Apocalypse games and my only experience playing one is with The Sprawl a…
I’m kind of new to running Powered by the Apocalypse games and my only experience playing one is with The Sprawl a while ago so pardon how clueless this question is but what’s the best way to come up with things for a game to do? I’m not the best at improv so should I plan out a couple of potential missions to present to the gang? I saw that the book recommends doing a “start of session” move but was a little confused about what those could be.
Again, sorry about the questions that were probably answered elsewhere. I’m just trying to figure out how I could be a little more prepared for the next time I play. People still really enjoyed the game despite me being a little new to MCing and we’re all excited about playing it some more.