Anyone seen problems with the number of choices/options in ‘Mix It Up’?

Anyone seen problems with the number of choices/options in ‘Mix It Up’?

Anyone seen problems with the number of choices/options in ‘Mix It Up’?

I have someone playing The Killer so naturally Mix it Up comes up fairly often, and since the game makes +3’s and +4’s a little harder to obtain 7-9’s also come up fairly often. This is all find and dandy.

I noticed some hold up, and after the game even a direct request, with the choices one has to make. He felt that with 2 choices he would almost always pick to inflict Harm to himself, but then not always have a great fictional justification for someone else to get hurt. This leaves either advancing a mission clock or having something break.

So the main issue was he never thought the violence was worth advancing a clock but also thought everything breaking all the time was just boring. Naturally I could just throw another option like “you put yourself in a spot” or “you put another team member in a spot” to just give them the option to put themselves at my (The MC’s) mercy.

Any thoughts?

I’ve got a question about Corporate Clocks, specifically filling them out.

I’ve got a question about Corporate Clocks, specifically filling them out.

I’ve got a question about Corporate Clocks, specifically filling them out. I understand the general idea of them becoming much more serious at certain breakpoints, but I’m just at a loss at what sorts of things should go there. This is definitely a weak point for me in PbtA games where without something definite it’s hard for me to just jump in.

The Kurosawa Extraction legwork and mission clocks were great for cementing those mechanics for me, just doesn’t seem to be anything similar for corporate clocks. This is especially important to me because in the game I’m about to run the players decided to have a clock start at 00:00 so it ought to be interesting.

Long and short, anyone have example Corporate Clocks they’ve written up?