I’m kicking around the idea of a Masks pbp (this isn’t recruitment just yet).

I’m kicking around the idea of a Masks pbp (this isn’t recruitment just yet).

I’m kicking around the idea of a Masks pbp (this isn’t recruitment just yet). I’m stuck using http://www.rprepository.com/ because a few of my friends work state jobs and that’s when they’d have the time to actually post.

The interface there’s kinda limited, so I’m wondering if anyone has ideas or ways to make adjusting labels, marking conditions and gaining influence something really easy to do and keep track of in pbp format.

What I was looking for earlier are the Bonds from Dungeon world.

What I was looking for earlier are the Bonds from Dungeon world.

What I was looking for earlier are the Bonds from Dungeon world. Apparently they are more involved in the mechanics than the relationships of Masks are. Can anyone elaborate on that and/or tell me if they’d work in Masks??

Is there a place where I can find more of the relationships and backstory fill in the blanks?

Is there a place where I can find more of the relationships and backstory fill in the blanks?

Is there a place where I can find more of the relationships and backstory fill in the blanks? I assume it’s an Apocalypse world thing (I seem to remember them being in the 2 sessions of Dungeon world I played years ago). The convention event had 4 for each of the 10 playbooks and I just think they’re awesome for world building.

Just got my PDF of the deck of villany, actual deck still in route, is there anything like this for the heroes of…

Just got my PDF of the deck of villany, actual deck still in route, is there anything like this for the heroes of…

Just got my PDF of the deck of villany, actual deck still in route, is there anything like this for the heroes of Halcyon? I know there are two Huma and a Mantis. Not that I can’t just make my own heroes, but I like a good mix when I run a premade setting.

I hope Magpie releases the Hostile Takeover they’re running at cons. Loved the Future Exemplars one!

I hope Magpie releases the Hostile Takeover they’re running at cons. Loved the Future Exemplars one!

I hope Magpie releases the Hostile Takeover they’re running at cons. Loved the Future Exemplars one!

Does anyone know if they’re going to release the villain deck and other things from the kickstarter for noobs like…

Does anyone know if they’re going to release the villain deck and other things from the kickstarter for noobs like…

Does anyone know if they’re going to release the villain deck and other things from the kickstarter for noobs like myself who missed the chance to back this awesome game?