Hi Everyone,
I’ve been out of gaming for several years now (kid, career, life in general), but am looking to get back into it. I wanted a simple game that allowed me to run whatever kind of campaign I was in the mood for without having to do a lot of work, and I found it in Uncharted Worlds. I played AW and DW at gencon some years ago and liked them, but for me UW just has the perfect balance of rules and imagination. I stumbled across this community and have really enjoyed what I’ve read and the new rules being bandied about.
My friends have expressed interest in a nostalgia type game, and specifically we started talking about our old Rifts games from back in High School. So I took Sean’s recent work for the Far Beyond Humanity expansion and adapted it a little to emulate our favorite old Rifts classes.
I haven’t started running the game just yet, but I thought I would post the work I’ve done just to see what people thought of it. Warning, there is some unsavory language.