Hey everyone, in investigating post-G+ places to host discussion about my games, I decided to try keeping up a Slack channel. Feel free to join, if that’s a thing you use!
https://join.slack.com/t/ndpdesign/shared_invite/enQtNDU2MzAxOTQ2OTY3LTcxZDgyMmNlODM1MzJhYzFjYzZiMzQ4ZDQwMjBlYjk2NjI1YjlhNjRmMjcyYmU5YTZjYmQzOTkzYTFhOGIyYzkHey everyone, in investigating post-G+ places to host discussion about my games, I decided to try keeping up a Slack…
Hey everyone, in investigating post-G+ places to host discussion about my games, I decided to try keeping up a Slack…