The most amazing email I’ve ever received.
(posted with permission)
The most amazing email I’ve ever received.
The most amazing email I’ve ever received.
(posted with permission)
If anyone is currently playing or is starting a game soon, would like to try out some of the new rules in the…
If anyone is currently playing or is starting a game soon, would like to try out some of the new rules in the supplement, and is not one my Patreon backers, thats cool – just let me know and I can share the document with you.
(The doc is going to go public in October, FYI)
I really hope that this means either a DVD set or a streaming deal for Season 1 comes out as well, because I want to binge watch the shit out of this show through a legal channel ASAP.
Supplement Progress
Supplement Progress
I’m aiming to complete the first draft of the basic manuscript for the supplement this week. And it is very much a first draft, both in writing and in organization. But the bones are there!
I’m planning to turn it into a more polished Beta PDF (like the original WWWRPG Beta) for the public soon. I’m not sure if I’ll have that done before October (though that is what I’m aiming for). Before that, though, I’ll be sharing the in-progress draft with my Patreon backers.
All that is to say, if you’re interested in getting a look as soon as possible, you could drop a dollar on my Patreon for this month. No worries/no pressure, but if it’s a thing you’re interested in, that’s the deal!
So I didn’t watch RAW yesterday but I did see this clip and my god.
So I didn’t watch RAW yesterday but I did see this clip and my god.
It’s glorious.
(Homework: chart the WWWRPG Moves and results chosen! There’s a couple ways to do it but there’s a bunch of solid examples of basic Moves in this clip)
If anyone’s a denizen, this thread may be of interest to you!
If anyone’s a denizen, this thread may be of interest to you!
From the working draft
From the working draft
Sidebar – The Hunt Rule: Whether you want to slow down Advancement or not, consider instituting this optional rule for gaining Stats. Ignore the Advance option “gain +1 to a stat.” Instead, if a player wishes to raise a wrestler Stat, they need to use the “take a Move from another Gimmick” to find an appropriate Move. Each Stat has multiple Moves that raise it by +1 spread out amongst the Gimmicks, and this way there’s some specific flavor built into the decision that can impact the player’s conception of their wrestler. This is also a good reason for players to check out the other Gimmicks and see what they have to offer!
(yes, this is the Justin Hunt rule)
Some of us, deep in our hearts, believe in ULTIMATE PARTY VIOLENCE
This is how you should be doing it.
This weekend I watched:
This weekend I watched:
Freelance Wrestling’s Flash Gordon, which is the local company that runs in a bar 15 minutes from my house. It featured a wrestling cowboy choking out a wrestling clown before finding out (SWERVE) THEY’RE ACTUALLY BROTHERS, oh yeah and Chris Hero making a guest appearance.
NXT’s Takeover: Brooklyn, which I assume you all watched and may be the best single top-to-bottom wrestling event I’ve seen this year.
WWE’s Summerslam, which was four hours long and really not bad, all things considered.
Watching Freelance feels like the first 2 sessions of a new WWWRPG game, there’s a bunch of cool shit but it’s kind of coming from every direction and doesn’t really make much sense when you think about it, but fuck it it’s fun and hey, that’s wrestling for you.
Watching Takeover feels like the culmination of a long-running game, maybe after multiple seasons, when characters have settled into longer-term versions of themselves, there’s been Gimmick changes and some new wrestlers come in and out, and the threads of backstory running throughout the entire run are finally pulled together by people who are experienced at both the fictional and mechanical aspects of the game.
Watching Summerslam feels like a big convention game for a mix of new and experienced players, where you have a bunch of stuff to get to and you gotta trust everyone to handle their own business a little bit, it’s generally pretty good in the moment but there’s peaks and valleys depending on who’s in the scene and that one guy’s buddy plays the Guest Celebrity Host and that’s fine, whatever, it’s a one-off oh hey what is he doing.
The kickstarter for the World Wide Wrestling RPG launched just before last years Summerslam. I clicked “go live”, went to Justin Hunt ‘s place for a rad cookout and Summerslam party, watched John Cena get suplexed 16 times, and came home to find the thing already well on the way to funding. It was a great day.
Without the success of the Kickstarter, there’s no way this game would have gone on to get into so many people’s hands and on so many gamers tables. In a very real way, Summerslam marks the birth of WWWRPG.
Happy birthday, WWWRPG! To celebrate, please feel free to take 20% off all WWWRPG stuff in my online store! Use code YEARONE at checkout. The promotion runs over the weekend and I’ll be posting more publicly about it later, but this is a headsup for my FAVORITE WRESTLING FANS!