I’m glad that I haven’t given any hard dates for print delivery because
I’m glad that I haven’t given any hard dates for print delivery because
(bad news) the printer just called to tell me that their binder broke so there’s going to be a delay on the books
(good(ish) news) they were originally aiming to have them done on Friday, and now it should be Monday instead
And if I needed them to be out on Friday, they could make it happen, but they reached out to me to check (instead of assuming one way or another).
I honestly hadn’t expected them to be ready until next week anyway, so, I think it’s all good. But! A little peak behind the curtain as to why I generally don’t set hard delivery dates, and also a reason why I like this printer (360 Digital/Whitlock Business Systems) so much.
Assuming no other delays, tho, if the books are printed on Monday that means they should start hitting mailboxes by the end of next week.
So thats GOOD NEWS.