The single biggest influence on how I like to run WWWRPG is WWE’s developmental show NXT.

The single biggest influence on how I like to run WWWRPG is WWE’s developmental show NXT.

The single biggest influence on how I like to run WWWRPG is WWE’s developmental show NXT. They embrace high concept gimmicks, invest time in their characters and allow them to make real connections to the audience, and make frequent and meaningful callbacks to prior events in their own canon. And, it’s only an hour!

This recap column is a real good way to find out more about that show, if you’re not already reading it! 

You can see the show on Hulu (sometimes Hulu+, I’m unclear on why but it switches sometimes), and also the WWE network.

Last Night, On World Wide Wrestling

Last Night, On World Wide Wrestling

Last Night, On World Wide Wrestling

An index of WWWRPG actual play reports! Last updated 9.9.14

WWWRPG Exhibition Hangout Game (Video)-

World Wide Wrestling Exhibition Game

Nerd PGH: The Aqua Belt Title  – 

PA WWW Playtest –

Forge Midwest 2014-

The Regal Wrangle –

WWW: ExtermiNation –

Weekly Playtest, Season 1

Weekly WWW 2/6/14 –

Weekly WWW 2/13/14 –

Weekly WWW 2/27/14 –

Weekly WWW 3/6/14 –

Weekly WWW 3/13/14 –

Weekly WWW 3/20/14 –

Weekly WWW 3/27/14 –

Weekly WWW 4/3/14 –

Hi there!

Hi there!

Hi there! In case you’re curious, the latest playtest draft of my powered by the Apocalypse pro wrestling game is now up for perusal…

Originally shared by Nathan Paoletta

World Wide Wrestling RPG

The most recent playtest draft IS FINALLY UP!

If you already know what I’m talking about, get yourself to the link and download yourself some hot in-ring action.

If you don’t know what I’m talking about: I’ve been working on a Pro Wrestling Apocalypse World hack for, wow, over a year now. It’s gone through 2 major revisions past the initial “just noodling around” stage, and it’s gone through enough playtesting that I’m pretty confident that it’s solid at the core.

If any two of these describe you:

– into professional wrestling

– into games powered by the Apocalypse

– into playing fun RPGs

Then I think you should check it out. It manages to cover all the stuff that I love in professional wrestling: in-ring action, backstage shenanigans and the weird dynamics around kayfabe/breaking the fourth wall. Plus, it’s changes up a LOT of the basic Apocalypse World dynamics in interesting ways. 

Anyway, there’s more details about it on the linked page, plus all the materials to scope out. There’s still room for improvement, but it’s gotten pretty consistently fun for me, and I hope for you!


World Wide Wrestling has a new update!

World Wide Wrestling has a new update!

World Wide Wrestling has a new update!

Originally shared by Nathan Paoletta

Hey friends, nerds and nerd-friends!

I’ve updated the rules document for World Wide Wrestling, my pro wrestling RPG powered by the Apocalypse. New features:

– screen-friendly, more readable layout

– cleaned up some language 

– added some specific Match Stipulation Moves

– added references to similarities/differences with/from Apocalypse World, to help navigate the game for those who know AW well already

The playbooks are all the same as they’ve been for a while, this just an update to the rules document. 

Hopefully it should be a little more accessible to read and play.

Oooooh yaaaaah!

I’m running an AW game over the hangouts. We played the second session this week.

I’m running an AW game over the hangouts. We played the second session this week.

I’m running an AW game over the hangouts. We played the second session this week.

So, between the first and second session, I thought about fronts and threats or whatever, and before the second session started I sat down and filled out a couple of front sheets, but I was having a hard time conceptualizing how all the things that were on the sheets fit together.

To sort out my ideas, I also made a basic R-map that had most of the NPCs that I was interested in on it, and the different ways that what they want from the PCs intersected.

In play, I never looked at Front sheet, but the R-map was super, super helpful.

Am I missing something critical about Fronts if I don’t really bother?

hi there!

hi there!

hi there! if anyone’s interested, Rob Justice is looking for interested folks for a G+ game of World Wide Wrestling. what a mensch!

( for more info about the game, for the curious)

Originally shared by Rob Justice

In case you missed it the other day, I’ve setup a signup sheet for my Pro-Wrestling RPG Hangout game. If you’re interested, just fill this little sheet out so I can start figuring out things like day and time. Since it’s a wrestling game, if you can’t make every session that’s fine, I actually wouldn’t mind a bit of a rotating table.

World Wide Wrestling

World Wide Wrestling

World Wide Wrestling

Hi folks!

So I’ve been working on a pro wrestling hack of AW for awhile now. It’s gone through some initial playtesting, revisioning and re-envisioning, and I think it’s ready to get some more eyes on it from people who I don’t have wrestling-bro-mind-meld with.

If you’re a wrestling fan, I imagine I don’t need to tell you much more about it. It’s pretty sweet. The core conceit is that you’re playing characters on a televised episodic wrestling show (a la Monday Night RAW). You’re playing a wrestler, encapsulating both the gimmick persona and the real guy in the tights. You have backstage and live segments and wrestle matches, of course. Creative (the MC role) books matches ahead of time, but you don’t find out the booking until the final part of a match. You have the ability to break kayfabe and the fourth wall, but it comes with consequences; generally, you’re aiming to entertain the imaginary viewing audience! 

If you’re not a huge wrestling fan, here’s some of the mechanical changes I’ve made to core AW that you may be interested in checking out:

– Characters have 2 playbooks, one for their current role on the show (Babyface/good guy or Heel/bad guy) and one for their Gimmick (the type of wrestler they are). The Role can switch back and forth fairly regularly, while the Gimmick is more like AW playbooks.

– 4 stats that represent the different ways in which the wrestler makes themself captivating to the imaginary viewing audience: +Look (general look, charisma, appeal), +Work (ability to wrestle and execute moves) +Power (size, strength and impressiveness) and +Real (ability to break the fourth wall, connect to the audience on a real level)

– instead of Hx, characters have Heat (with the audience, with NPCs and with each other) that represents how entertaining their relationship with that person is. 

– instead of Harm, characters are on an Audience Ladder, which rates how popular they are with the audience and marks when they’re Over (at the top of their game) or when they’ve lost so much appeal that they get fired from the franchise.

– the addition of Momentum, which is a bonus pool that is built over the course of an episode and can be spent on any roll. Promos can give you momentum to use in matches, or vice versa.

– special Match Moves to represent the key sequences in wrestling matches. How matches are handled overall is actually something I’m pretty happy with!

– the MC is called Creative, and they create and advance Storylines and Feuds among the characters.

– and more (different Agendas/Principles/Moves, but also just general play structure, how advancement works, and so on).

Anyhow, check the link, and I’d love to hear thoughts and get feedback from anyone who has some!

Hey AW Hackers – how do you feel about other folks making playbooks for your hacks?

Hey AW Hackers – how do you feel about other folks making playbooks for your hacks?

Hey AW Hackers – how do you feel about other folks making playbooks for your hacks?

I love the idea, but I’m in this weird place where I see how I would do it differently, but I don’t want to just rewrite other folk’s contributions. So far the game itself is in an early enough stage that the whole framework is still malleable, so the fact that these playbooks are coming from other people is triggering some really valuable conversations.

But in the future I see people enthusiastically contributing a playbook that just isn’t “right”. Am I a dick if I rewrite the problematic parts and put that out there as an “official” thing?