Advancement triggers.

Advancement triggers.

Advancement triggers.

I MCed few one-shots of UW and now I’m part of a mid-length campaign. In one-shots we didn’t put much attention to advancement triggers, but in campaign we do and here is my question.

Who is really in control over advancement triggers – are they an action or a plot hook that players should try to achieve or are they ideas that MC should try to introduce at the next session or is it everyone’s job to try and trigger them?

Some examples to talk about:

A bold act fails spectacularly – this seems like a task for MC when players miss on a roll, but players have to position themselves to do something boldly.

A conspiracy is uncovered – again this seems like an idea for MC, but players should position themselves like hang out in a bar where something might happen or try to hack some installation so that MC can jump forward with some unexpected plot twist.

A piece of junk proves pivotal – this one seems a lot in player hands and tools they use.

Thanks for answers on how do you approach it when you play and MC.

How do you handle a situation when couple of players are in a situation to roll Faction move, do you make everyone…

How do you handle a situation when couple of players are in a situation to roll Faction move, do you make everyone…

How do you handle a situation when couple of players are in a situation to roll Faction move, do you make everyone do it? (it makes a lot of sense for “Put Face to a Name”, but not so much with “Investigate place of power”).

To better illustrate I’ll give two examples.

1. Two players investigate a mine on the outskirts of town where a Fae Goblin Smith is forging weapons for someone and they both want to Investigate place of power. Each of them rolls or one rolls Faction move and the other helps but also marks faction?

2. Players see a footage of a vampire draining a wizard, they have all seen him in the past. Do each of them rolls Put a Face to a Name?