Using the excellent, I’ve created a small collection of Cyberpunk soundscapes.

Using the excellent, I’ve created a small collection of Cyberpunk soundscapes.

Using the excellent, I’ve created a small collection of Cyberpunk soundscapes. I’ll continue to add more as I MC more Sprawl, as I use them to set the mood in scenes we play.

Hope you find them useful! They’re nice to relax to, too.




I’ve decided to write up some examples for Specialized ICE for use in your Sprawl game.

I like to use these especially for creating a sense of consistency and branding in ICE, and being able to define clearly ahead of time what sorts of actions an ICE will take. Because of this, hackers can make much more informed decisions on how they’ll deal with the ICE, or which ICE to target in case of multiple being present in a scene.

Hope you like them! Don’t take their ‘rules’ too strictly and mod to your hearts content.

Hey guys!

Hey guys!

Hey guys!

How do you deal with the Getting Paid portion of a job when it comes to the team ‘scouting ahead’.

I, as the MC, do not know in advance wether or not the meet will be a setup or ambush, so if they players try to find this out beforehand by sending in drones, hacking into security systems etc. what should I give them?

Up ’till now I’ve always simply told them what the initial meeting would look like, what sort of escape routes or possible entryways for bad guys could be etc.

I guess in a similair vein, do you MCs tend to let players roll for Get The Job the moment that conversation starts, or only AFTER they’ve received a briefing on the objective and agreed to do it?
