I’ve been tossing around some custom moves for an “Egg Sitting” episode of monsterhearts. Let me know what you think.
Baby-Think-It-Over is a group assignment, choose a small group of partners.
When you are responsible for Baby-Think-It-Over gain the Baby-Think-It-Over condition.
If you or your partners leave Baby-Think-It-Over unattended, fail the assignment.
When you roll 6- and have the Baby-Think-It-Over condition, gain 1 responsibility (max 3).
If you give Baby-Think-It-Over to a responsible partner, spend all of your responsibility and remove the Baby-Think-It-Over condition.
When you take Baby-Think-It-Over into a tense situation you can spend responsibility 1-for-1 to:
– Create the perfect distraction; gain +1 forward.
– Feel adult; use one of the growing up moves that you normally couldn’t.
– Share camaraderie; another character with the Baby-Think-It-Over condition can treat their miss as a 7–9, or treat their 7–9 as a 10+.
When you have the Baby-Think-It-Over condition, add the following option to avoid death:
-Spend all your responsibility, remove the Baby-Think-It-Over condition and fail the assignment.