I don’t know if you all have had the chance to see this but an excellent breakdown by Stone Cold on how one tells a story in the ring… Also a good reason why there should be one narrator for the fight, and how to pass the fight back and forth to gain momentum, gain heat, and end the match with a turn

So after playing all of one session of WWWRPG, I was thinking about the run-in move.

So after playing all of one session of WWWRPG, I was thinking about the run-in move.

So after playing all of one session of WWWRPG, I was thinking about the run-in move. Specifically, the issue of the other person winning the match automatically by disqualification. In recent years, there are a lot of examples of run-ins where the ref is distracted or no DQ matches where heel run-ins are fairly common…

Nathan Paoletta do you think the run-in move should have an added option on the 7-9 or 10+ roll of having the run-in gone off successfully ? There would be no DQ and heat or momentum will be generated…

Or do you think the move can be folded into a heel move or something