In the book, there is a line under the moment of truth that says the player can lock a label.

In the book, there is a line under the moment of truth that says the player can lock a label.

In the book, there is a line under the moment of truth that says the player can lock a label. However, it isn’t repeated on any of the playbooks and the book references another page in the book that links to something which talks about a separate advancement. I’m thinking that this is errata and that the sentence is likely something that was later removed in place of a separate lock a label advancement. Any thoughts on this? Is there a place for official errata? If we take the word “permanent” at its word, a character who takes two moments of truth and a lock a label in one playbook might enter another playbook with three locked labels. Do you think this might be working as designed or do you think this sentence was a mistake?

Change playbooks.

Change playbooks.

Change playbooks. Our Bull is switching to a Nova. She has a locked label, two +1 to labels and permanently removed influence from someone. Does she lose those three things? In other words, her label is unlocked, she goes back to +3 sum on her labels and she could possible be influenced by that person again? Or would she keep some of that?

Ran my first game of Masks today.

Ran my first game of Masks today.

Ran my first game of Masks today. Picked it up at Gencon 50 a few weeks ago! We loved it. I intend to by the expansions when they come out. Is there any way to get access to the other playbooks early. I obviously missed the kickstarter, but I’m definitely going to buy the other books. I just want to have the additional options and ideas in my game!