Commerce Moves and a Question

Commerce Moves and a Question

Commerce Moves and a Question

So, in Apocalypse Age, instead of barter, you have influence (on an NPC individual or social group); your wealth is intrinsically connected to the people around you. Basically you accumulate influence the same way as barter, but it has history; if you bodyguarded Marquise Gautron worth 3-influence, now you have “3 influence on Marquise Gautron.”

So I was thinking, what if the basic commerce move was, instead of, when you give 1-barter to someone, but with strings attached, something like the following?

When you offer an NPC a favor for a favor, tell them what you want and roll+influence. On a 10+, you’re cool, they’ll do it. On a 7-9, it’ll cost you; the MC says how much influence it’ll take and you say yes or no. On a miss, be prepared for the worst.

I think there’s an effect that’s interesting—if you get enough influence on someone you can get them to do a lot of stuff at a low cost—but I’m not 100% that’s a good design choice or not.

I’ve been working on a lo-fi hack of AW to play in the Dragon Age setting.

I’ve been working on a lo-fi hack of AW to play in the Dragon Age setting.

I’ve been working on a lo-fi hack of AW to play in the Dragon Age setting. I’d love thoughts on the playbooks, particularly the new ones! The Battlebabe and Gunlugger aren’t that interesting since they mostly only have adapted gear.