So I’ve only played a couple sessions of PbtA games so far (one session each of Apocalypse World, Dungeon World and…

So I’ve only played a couple sessions of PbtA games so far (one session each of Apocalypse World, Dungeon World and…

So I’ve only played a couple sessions of PbtA games so far (one session each of Apocalypse World, Dungeon World and Monster of the Week) and there’s something I haven’t quite wrapped my head around yet.

When running a combat, when is the GM meant to make their moves? I know, I know, it should follow the narrative, but is there any guidance on what the narrative should follow on from? Following the examples in the books, it looks like the GM is meant to make a soft move either after every player move or “whenever they feel like it” and a hard move whenever a player rolls a 6 or less on one of their moves.

Is that close to what was intended?