One of these is for my Fate game, the other three are my Monster of the Week game.

One of these is for my Fate game, the other three are my Monster of the Week game.

One of these is for my Fate game, the other three are my Monster of the Week game.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

Roleplaying Play Reports from two different sessions. I’m hoping my next session of Monster of the Week doesn’t involve the party splitting into three groups so I can go back to doing one play report per campaign.

In any case, this week:

A chase sequence and healing foibles in Divine Blood and I almost kill all my players in Monster of the Week.

Things said in today’s Monster of the Week game:

Things said in today’s Monster of the Week game:

Things said in today’s Monster of the Week game:

“Real casters don’t glitch.”

“So, whose team is almost all at 3 Harm again?”

“You have Advanced Protect Others don’t you? The CEO of Arachne Bioware and her closest officials are now your allies.”

“What was that about 3 Harm?”

2 Lucks were burned and the Chosen’s player is building a second hunter soon, meaning we’ll have four…

Since some people are usually interested here’s another theoretical build.

Since some people are usually interested here’s another theoretical build.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

Since some people are usually interested here’s another theoretical build. The front page has a short story from a longer bit of old fanfiction which I was using to develop this character and a few others (I sometimes use fanfiction as a tool for developing original character concepts). The short story shows a lot of the character’s internal thought processes.

Above the story are links to versions of the character built in Hero System 6th Level, Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, Strands of Fate, Mutants and Masterminds, Masks, Monster of the Week, and, of course, 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons.

Since some people are usually interested here’s another theoretical build.

Since some people are usually interested here’s another theoretical build.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

Since some people are usually interested here’s another theoretical build. The front page has a short story from a longer bit of old fanfiction which I was using to develop this character and a few others (I sometimes use fanfiction as a tool for developing original character concepts). The short story shows a lot of the character’s internal thought processes.

Above the story are links to versions of the character built in Hero System 6th Level, Fate Core, Fate Accelerated, Strands of Fate, Mutants and Masterminds, Masks, Monster of the Week, and, of course, 5th Edition Dungeons and Dragons.

Okay, with these three reports, I am caught up on my play reports for all three campaigns.

Okay, with these three reports, I am caught up on my play reports for all three campaigns.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

Okay, with these three reports, I am caught up on my play reports for all three campaigns. These three reports actually represent two sessions, but since the characters are each doing their own mission and I’ve been doing play reports by operation, I’ve split it into three reports.

In retrospect, I should have pushed Katkemat’s mission a bit further until she was in much more clear danger than she currently is. Her mission report is the smallest and the least happens. Granted, she’s run by the same player who runs Kasper and his team so the player was still busy, but still.

And now they’re talking about trying three ways.

And now they’re talking about trying three ways.

And now they’re talking about trying three ways.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

My players are considering this choice of missions. They’re looking at splitting the party with the Professional and his team going to one mission and the Exile and the Chosen going to a second mission.

This is the play report from my Monster of the Week campaign from two-weeks ago.

This is the play report from my Monster of the Week campaign from two-weeks ago.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

This is the play report from my Monster of the Week campaign from two-weeks ago. I had not yet read the More Weirdness pdf before running this. My expectation was that they’d trip some security eventually and they’d have a fight with one of Hikozaemon’s minions, but instead it became a pure investigation of a weird phenomena.

At the end of this, Kasper Sierzant took the Telepathy move describing it as being an ability from a member of his team: Lt. Daley. Similarly, an earlier Charm boost was taken to explain that Daley is doing most of the talking for his team team now and Sierzant is staying in command posts more often.

It’s at this point that I really wish I was running a secondary campaign including Inspector Carracci and another…

It’s at this point that I really wish I was running a secondary campaign including Inspector Carracci and another…

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

It’s at this point that I really wish I was running a secondary campaign including Inspector Carracci and another band of independent monster hunters and basically having one PC group interfere with the other group indirectly.

The game is going on hiatus for October and will pick up again in November.

Is there a specific community for The Fellowship RPG?

Is there a specific community for The Fellowship RPG?

Is there a specific community for The Fellowship RPG?

There’s something that really got me excited a bit.

Attached are a picture from The Fellowship game book showing the collection of individuals they used to represent The Heir. And a picture of Runya Sulemar a character from three books I’ve written (and left on a cliffhanger so need to write #4 eventually) who is a member of a race of serpentile women and avian men. Given that she’s the story equivalent of the paladin, I liked that a naga-esque character showed up as an example heir.

Another chapter in the story of Thomas Riley, Agent Kasper Sierzant and Katkemat, agents of M-Com.

Another chapter in the story of Thomas Riley, Agent Kasper Sierzant and Katkemat, agents of M-Com.

Originally shared by Thrythlind aka Luke Green

Another chapter in the story of Thomas Riley, Agent Kasper Sierzant and Katkemat, agents of M-Com. This is a continuation of last weeks game. The player’s dice were fairly on fire in most cases getting several 12+ results on moves that they had upgraded to advanced. Though they had some bad failures as well. Katkemat did not appear much in this session, by decision of her player I believe, though we had discussion of the eventual advancement path of the various characters and he seems to feel it is likely that Kasper will eventually retire to a desk job.