From the Brazilian publishers of Contenders: “A game about heroes on the edge between divine and profane.

From the Brazilian publishers of Contenders: “A game about heroes on the edge between divine and profane.

From the Brazilian publishers of Contenders: “A game about heroes on the edge between divine and profane. In Bastardos, players take on the roles of demigods in a modern world much like our own. However, there is also a hidden reality where legendary creatures plot all kinds of intrigue, and where the protagonists will enter countless mythical dimensions.”

If you can read Portuguese, the beta is available here under a CC-BY-NC-ND licence:

If you can’t, it’s still there but this information is perhaps less useful to you. 

Some interesting things in there on a quick skim through. Moves roll 2d20 looking for successes against a target number (1 for a 7-9 result, 2 for 10+). Big inspiration lists of deities. Prophecies and portents. Stats: Audacity, Brutality, Presence, Refinement, Sagacity and Conviction. 

Malandros is a DramaSystem RPG that (among other things) applies the grammar of PbtA moves to its procedural…

Malandros is a DramaSystem RPG that (among other things) applies the grammar of PbtA moves to its procedural…

Malandros is a DramaSystem RPG that (among other things) applies the grammar of PbtA moves to its procedural resolution. There are 5 days left on the Kickstarter. 

So far the project has funded the Malandros book itself plus: 

Supernatural Creatures supplement illustrated by Claytonian JP 

São Roque quickstart pack + Rio map by Mapforge J. Vandel 

The Sydney Razor Gang Wars, alternate setting

Aluminium Wars, 1990s Russia setting by Mark Galeotti 


£1200: Victorian London setting by Paula Dempsey

Take your game to the old East End of London with this mini-supplement about ne’er-do-wells and honest folk, whether Cockney born and bred or from further afield. 

£1400: Other Borders by Tod Foley (As If) 

There are borders everyone sees: the looming fence with its sporadic observation platforms, the tags claiming this block or that in the name of a local gang, or the wrought-iron fences surrounding gated communities. There are borders that are only real in our minds, like the imaginary lines that divide country from country, or one race from another. But in this sleepy little town, another border reveals itself to those who are gifted with the power to see it: the veil between the worlds. Even today, the old ways of magic are still taught, visions and transformations are still practiced, and opposing clans are locked in a daily battle that no policia would understand.

Journey into a modern world of ancient conflicts, where secret rituals, divinations, animal sacrifices and hallucinatory drugs are gateways to the other side. The people here move in two worlds, and reality is more flexible than it seems.

£1600: Gangs of Titan by Stras Acimovic 

Alt-setting PDF. “A new life awaits you in the off-world colonies!” It’s a new life, all right, and perfect for your old skills. Titan Station is the gateway to the galaxy – the last, best hope for peace. Home to alien ambassadors, human soldiers, spacefarers, spies… and you.

Not perhaps strictly PbtA, but it certainly has an Apocalypse-injector fitted.

Not perhaps strictly PbtA, but it certainly has an Apocalypse-injector fitted.

Not perhaps strictly PbtA, but it certainly has an Apocalypse-injector fitted.

I’d love to get your thoughts on the beta version of Malandros. Reader feedback is great, and even better would be if you give the game a go and tell me what happens!

What are some models for moves where the roll isn’t modified by a stat?

What are some models for moves where the roll isn’t modified by a stat?

What are some models for moves where the roll isn’t modified by a stat? 

The Angel’s roll +stock spent comes to mind. 

The reason I’m asking is this (n.b. the game includes possible rerolls, so the player isn’t completely helpless): 

Obtain a Patuá 

When you consult an expert regarding the preparation of a protective amulet for yourself, roll a die. On a 6, choose 1. On a 3-5, the GM chooses up to 2. 

– A specific component is required before your patuá can be made.

– You need to accomplish a task first. 

– You must agree to owe the maker a favour, no questions asked. 

On a 2-, you are not yet ready to carry a patuá. You cannot ask again until the next episode.

If you receive a patuá, your GM will give you a new signature move that you can use by calling on its power. 

“When you open your brain to the digital maelstrom, roll +wired…”

“When you open your brain to the digital maelstrom, roll +wired…”

“When you open your brain to the digital maelstrom, roll +wired…”

One of my players is keen to revisit Cyberpunk 2020. I want to play/run Apocalypse World… I’m thinking the answer may be to give out the AW playbooks and tell them “weird” is a typo.*

What kind of Terrible Pitfalls await?

*(Not really – I’ll at least reskin them with the CP2020 role names, &c.)