(This post edited to be more descriptive about what the problem is, and not just a blanket “your stuff is broke”…

(This post edited to be more descriptive about what the problem is, and not just a blanket “your stuff is broke”…

(This post edited to be more descriptive about what the problem is, and not just a blanket “your stuff is broke” type comment; this may cause the comments in this thread to be a bit confusing.)

Vincent Baker Notice to you that lumpley and the apocalypse world website’s HTTPS access appear not to be setup properly.

At the moment they have a certificate error (invalid common name) which prevents browsers from getting to your site via HTTPS without either including an exception for your cert, or just proceeding past browser warnings (if their software will allow them to do that).

Please fix this if you can.

Quick check in — for non-backers, where/when can one get a hardback/POD version of AW2?

Quick check in — for non-backers, where/when can one get a hardback/POD version of AW2?

Quick check in — for non-backers, where/when can one get a hardback/POD version of AW2? Is it yet available somewhere?