Hamish Cameron in the Dowtown Dataheist you talk about players framing flashbacks and revealing their secrets.

Hamish Cameron in the Dowtown Dataheist you talk about players framing flashbacks and revealing their secrets.

Hamish Cameron in the Dowtown Dataheist you talk about players framing flashbacks and revealing their secrets. Should framing a flashback be a direct result of a 6- roll or should the GM ask as the mission progress? I’m not sure I understand that part of the setup.

I fail to find the info in the book:

I fail to find the info in the book:

I fail to find the info in the book:

If I own three programs but my cyberdeck can only have 2 loaded because of a processor of 2, is there a move or anything that tells me how to switch between programs mid-Matrix run or do I have to logout of the Matrix and manually/physically switch programs?

How tight do you frame your get the job scene.

How tight do you frame your get the job scene.

How tight do you frame your get the job scene. Do you allow players to do other moves than the Get the job move? Do you allow you players to get all paranoid and go chasing red hearings or possible interlopers to the mission? Or is it more like a vignette/flashback where it’s already agree upon that they took the job and it’s just a matter of discussing the terms of employment?

I searched a bit but couldn’t find any post like this:

I searched a bit but couldn’t find any post like this:

I searched a bit but couldn’t find any post like this:

Let’s build a series of cyberpunk impressions that one could slot in his description of the Neon and Chrome future. Just a sentence or 2 to give some colour to you Sprawl. Let me start:

A gang of young scooter freaks leaning against their bikes breathing hard drugs through cheap plastic asthma inhalers.

Neo-Khrisna monks with bright orange robes and shaved heads except they have a single ponytail made of twisted cables in the back.


Intel and Gear: if I red correctly, they are individual per player but have tried to have a communal pool of…

Intel and Gear: if I red correctly, they are individual per player but have tried to have a communal pool of…

Intel and Gear: if I red correctly, they are individual per player but have tried to have a communal pool of ressources for the mission?

I will soon start a small campaign with only 2 players and I was wondering about links and the countdown clock for…

I will soon start a small campaign with only 2 players and I was wondering about links and the countdown clock for…

I will soon start a small campaign with only 2 players and I was wondering about links and the countdown clock for Corporations. I feel that the stakes will not be high enough if we do links with only the two players.

Here’s how I think I will solve the situation. When it will come time to do links. I will describe an NPC who was the third wheel of this crew. We will go through the link process as if this NPC was a 3rd PC. I/He will be the last to describe a mission in which the other PCs will be involves and then at the end of the descriptions, I will ask my players the hard question:

*How did you fuck up and let NPC X die on that mission?

Why is Corporation X still after you even after NPC X took the entire blame for the operation?*

What are your thoughts? Do you think it will work?

Hopefully this is allowed. I just wanted to invite potential players for my Friday

Hopefully this is allowed. I just wanted to invite potential players for my Friday

Hopefully this is allowed. I just wanted to invite potential players for my Friday

Night PbtA game (8pm to midnight EST) to join this private group so we can plan games.

Originally shared by Vincent Quigley

So if you are interested in playing in my friday night PbtA game. Join this community. This is where we will plan everything. 

EDIT: Games will be played friday nights between 8pm and midnight EST (GMT-5)

The basic move for The Unit my police prodecural hack. Feel free to comment.

The basic move for The Unit my police prodecural hack. Feel free to comment.

The basic move for The Unit my police prodecural hack. Feel free to comment.

Originally shared by Vincent Quigley

So here’s what I’ve got for my basic moves so far:


It might help you guys understand a bit more where I want to go with this. In a nutshell, the investigation part of the game is created by the players and the GM in a ”play to find out” fashion through the moves. An investigation should a series of scenes most of them leading to a character making an investigative move to get more Evidence and eventually to a file your report in order to close a case move

Feel free to comment either directly in Drive or here. I’m slowly working on the playbooks now.