Has anyone tried this?

Has anyone tried this?

Has anyone tried this?

In order to keep my MC moves from devolving into repetitive Inflict Harm, I have a printed list of the moves and each time I make one, I put a little tally mark next to it. It serves to force me to constantly look at the list, and consider the moves that I haven’t been using as often.

Just did a game as a player, and now I’m hopping up and down waiting for the chance to run it.

Just did a game as a player, and now I’m hopping up and down waiting for the chance to run it.

Just did a game as a player, and now I’m hopping up and down waiting for the chance to run it. This game is exactly what I was looking for.

Vincent Baker, how closely do you see the GM advice in AW tied to the background and style of the game?

Vincent Baker, how closely do you see the GM advice in AW tied to the background and style of the game?

Vincent Baker, how closely do you see the GM advice in AW tied to the background and style of the game? I’ve talked to a couple people about how to run a good game, and I keep falling back to “Buy AW and read that”. Do you think some of your execution style could be extracted into its own book? The advice in DitV is different, but is that because the games are different, or because you are evolving as a designer?