Because I like creative challenges, eh?

Because I like creative challenges, eh?

Because I like creative challenges, eh?

let’s see what can be done in a day of prep, given some specific constraints


(inspired by:



from the forums)

EXPRESSES: Escalation of Zealousy and Environmental Impact, during an Anniversary Reaction



Things are nominal when bad, and currently only getting worse… this is NOT a quiet year, this is one rampaging year of desperate jackals.


Everything in this Front is expressed as a top-down overview on a zoomed out scale, the backdrop into which new players might pick-up where others left off… as if a previous game ended prematurely… working only from the contents of the example 1st session worksheet in the book. In addition, I limited to Landscape and Affliction specifically to explore the possibilities of focusing on Threats I’ve seen less often used.

A tick on a countdown could represent a major change in the social-political terrain, or the passing of a four to six week period.

Even though the countdown events are expressed in a linear progression, these events may, or may not, actually happen… and could be forced into regression, or advanced prematurely –; consider them placeholders for the escalation of likely events left unimpeded, with details malleable in the course of the fiction. Adjustments and deviations of events in the fiction, or as the threats begin to interact at the edges of their influence, could apply completely different events or call for a whole new countdown to be established for a given Threat.

The important part is that things escalate progressively — with respect to the emerging fiction — as a background tapestry of motion.

Why do these things happen? Are they connected? Do they happen at all? Will Wilbur ever get rid of that dumb parachute?

Remember: Play to Find out… anything not yet determined can be filled in later, and Fronts can change.

If you believe in yourself and have dedication and pride – and never quit, you’ll be a winner. The price of victory is high but so are the rewards. ~ Paul Bryant


Threat: Landscape

Name: The Burnflats

Type: Furnace — Impulse: to recycle things into badness, and consume the weak

Description: Once this was a sprawling collection of mostly industrial-side low-density housing developments, schools, playgrounds, churches, strip-malls, theaters, motels, and restaurants; Now it is an overgrown wreak of nature and old-world architecture gone wild –; known as the perpetual combat zone, It is a meat grinder for ambitious scavengers, and a proving ground for foolhardy jackals.


~~ Uncle ~~ This Motorized Hardholder, is an Indomitable Towering Presence… (resource: +1connections +1status +1acclaim +1security +1access (all The Burnflats resources) | surplus: +1barter, growth want: reprisals)

~~ Uncle’s Raiders ~~ (resource: +1health +1vehicles -1water (famine) -1food (hunger) | very large, 3Harm, 2armor, mobile, rich +1barter, vulnerable: reprisals  impulse: to party hard, to defend the holdings, to scavenge and raid.)

~~ Marie ~~ (resource: +connections +information +beast:horse -security -grain | 1harm, 0armor surplus: insight want: anxiety, desperation impulse: to barter for secrets)

Resources: +2time • +2strategic position (Dustwich’s Diner, Westside Warehouse Moving Co.) • +1staples • +3liberty • +1fuel • +1weaponry • +1machinery • +2vehicles (bikes, trucks, vans, and cars) • +1rare goods • +1animals (wild, livestock, beasts)

The person who is really in revolt is the optimist, who generally lives and dies in a desperate and suicidal effort to persuade other people how good they are. ~ G.K. Chesterton


0:00 The tallest apartment complex on the skyline collapses, due to this building also holding a sizable water reservoir and indoor farmstead, as well as it normally being clearly visible for a few miles, news of this event travels quickly.

want: +1famine

resource: -1access(living space) • -1access(water) • -1access(fresh foods)

3:00 Uncle makes a cautious play to secure a hold on other sources of water in the Burnflats for his raiders.

want: +1hunger • +1idle

resource: -1health • -1medical supplies • -1information

6:00 Sudden electrical storms spark wildfires in a drying landscape… panic spreads among beasts and bandits.

want: +1anxiety • +1desperation • +1disease • +1famine • +1hunger • +1judgment  

resource: -1access(water) • -1water • -1shelter • -1access(living space) • -1living space • -1medical supplies • -1health • -1labor • -1meat • -1salt • -1grain • -1fresh/preserved/staple foods • -1raw materials • -1know-how

9:00 Uncle carefully gathers surveys and threat assessments through Marie… and surreptitiously bolsters a failing resource network.

want: +1idle • +1savagery -1disease • -1famine • -1hunger

resource: +1water • +1skilled labor • +1information • +1medical supplies • +1fresh/preserved/staple foods • +1raw materials • +1know-how

10:00 Uncle makes an open move to claim Westside Warehouse Moving Co. directly.

want: +1idle • +1savagery • +1war

resource: -1medical supplies • -1health • -1time • -1staples • -1liberty • -1fuel • -1weaponry • -1machinery • -1vehicles (bikes, trucks, vans, and cars) • -1rare goods • -1animals (wild, livestock, beasts)

11:00 Mobs of refugees grow increasingly violent, and overrun Westside Warehouse Moving Co. — Is it Tum Tum or Roark who supplies these raids with gear from Citadel’s storehouses?

want: +1savagery • +1war

resource: -1medical supplies • -1health • -1time • -1staples • -1liberty • -1fuel • -1weaponry • -1machinery • -1vehicles (bikes, trucks, vans, and cars) • -1rare goods • -1animals (wild, livestock, beasts)

12:00 Joe’s Girl, along with with Joe The Sewerlord, and a mob of desperately hungry refugees, to seize Dustwich’s Diner by force.

want: • +1war

resource: -1medical supplies • -1health • -1time • -1staples • -1liberty • -1fuel • -1weaponry • -1machinery • -1vehicles (bikes, trucks, vans, and cars) • -1rare goods • -1animals (wild, livestock, beasts)

“During the game, there’ll be times when I’m allowed to directly go after the characters; this is called a hard move, and I can only do it when you miss a roll or when you give me a wide-open opportunity — however;”

The Burnflats are Never Boring:

When you spend some time traveling in the Burnflats,**

 – it takes d6days to get anywhere,

 – something, likely hostile, inevitably spots you,

So, be alert and roll+sharp…

On a 12+ you choose three. On a 10+ you choose two. On a 7-9, You and MC should each choose one.

On a miss — well, things get bad quick here… MC may choose two…

– you find Resources that fits one of your wants or needs, for a few days, worth +d6 jingle.

– you find Resources that fits the wants or needs of someone you know, for a few days, worth +d6 jingle.

– you find local Resources worth +2d6jingle / +1barter

– you avoid serious trouble

– you do it quickly (half time)

– nearly costs an arm and a leg, or merely a head injury… 1 harm per day.

– it costs more time getting around than it should’ve, +d6days.

– it costs a bit of gear, choose something between -6jingle and -1barter… it’s used up and/or broken

** Taking Point or Getting Hit With The Stick, For the TeamPathfinder (swap the +2 forward for hold 1) is a preparation advantage here… alternatively the reckless Hard daredevil could always Seize by Force some fair passage to a named destination, for themselves and a few companions — either way; bad stuff you don’t hit first, hits you first, but the rest of the team gets to use you as an early warning system to avoid that first contact, as you all press on through to the other side.

A hero is someone who has given his or her life to something bigger than oneself. ~ Joseph Campbell


I wonder…

• Who do they raid?

• What’s with Marie & Joe’s Girl?

Start by doing what’s necessary; then do what’s possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible. Francis of Assisi


Threat: Landscape

Name: Foster & Co.

Type: Fortress — Impulse: to deny scavengers, and dominate access to Cistern Citadel.

Description: A typical fortified settlement attached to an abandoned factory complex; home of xenophobic isolationists, loyal wilderness raiders, and fanatical jackals.


Foster — This Savvy-headed Operating Hardholder, is Not To Be Fucked With…  (resource: +1weaponry +1security +2loyalty | surplus: +3barter, party want: idle, desperation impulse: to offer to negotiate, to demand concession or obedience.)

~~ Carna ~~ (resource: skilled labor, +3shelter(bolthole) -1 liberty, -2drug (Foster’s approval)  | 1harm, 0armor surplus: stupor want: anxiety impulse: to serve Foster, to assist Pamming, to crawl in a bolthole and hide)

~~ Thuy ~~ (resource: know-how, -1 liberty, | 1harm, 0armor surplus: stupor want: anxiety impulse: to chart the Burnflats, to fly drones for sport, to trade anything for specialized goods(electronics))

~~ Pamming ~~ (resource: workshop, acclaim, books, +1access (all Foster & Co. resources) -1 time, -1 liberty, -1 leisure, -1 status want: judgment, obligation impulse: to invent solutions like a mad genius, to aggressively pursue lost tech, to dominate the manufactory)

Resources: labor, shelter • +2 security • loyalty • weaponry • +2 strategic position • +3 walls, +2 living space, +2 connections

Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don’t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you’ll know when you find it. ~ Steve Jobs


0:00 Reveal something to someone. Make a show of discipline.

3:00 Foster & Co. negotiates trade with partners willing to submit to annexation.

6:00 Shift, move, rearrange, or provide another way.

          Claim territory: move into it, blockade it, assault it.

9:00 Negotiates trade with partners willing to erect a secure Water Shrine Outpost.

10:00 Foster & Co. establishes a secure Water Shrine Outpost at all Annexed Territories.

11:00 During a move to secure a train depot by force, Joe’s Girl goes missing.

12:00 Foster makes a sudden, direct, and very hard surprise attack on Westside Warehouse Moving Co.

Foster & Co. Market

When you look for something in Foster & Co. Market, you’ll probably find it, or someone who knows exactly where it is… but, either way it won’t likely be affordable.

Nearly everything someone could barter for is available in Foster & Co. Market, but the shrewd merchants almost always offer a hard bargain, an ugly choice… or worse.


I wonder…

• Foster: does she have a plan, or what?

• Will any PCs join the Cistern Citadel cult?

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched – they must be felt with the heart. ~ Helen Keller


Threat: Landscape

Name: Cistern Citadel

Type: Prison — Impulse: to contain a population of converted worshipers, to deny egress and victimize heretics

Description: A major work of architectural art, fortified and defended by a cult of xenophobes… a beautiful fountain of running water, maintained as an awesome symbol of grace and governance, in an aesthetically grotesque and barbarous world.


~~ The Cistern Citadel Cultists ~~ (resource: +1connections, +1information, +1labor, +1skilled labor, +1access(all Cistern Citadel resources) | very large irregular corps of cultists, 3-harm, 0-armor, swarm, eye on the door, weird vulnerable: grounded, obligation, reprisals impulse: to tell stories, to control the water supply, to convert worshipers.)

Bran ~~

Tum Tum ~~

Joe’s Girl ~~

Resources: +3 acclaim • +3 access (water) • +3 loyalty (fanaticism) • +3 drugs (water) • +3 strategic position (inside Foster & Co. holdings, access to cistern)

We know what we are, but know not what we may be. ~ William Shakespeare


0:00 Tell stories (truth, lies, allegories, homilies)

3:00 Reveal something to someone. Tell more stories (truth, lies, allegories, homilies)

6:00 Offer support assistance services of caravans and skilled clergy to cooperative neighbors.

9:00 Increases security on water caravans.

10:00 Establishes a secure Water Shrine Outpost at all Annexed Territories.

11:00 Attempts to restrict access to Foster & Co to only Citadel members.

12:00 Aggressively closes borders of all Annexed Territories, and exterminates trespassers.

When you drink the water with the cool kids

— +1 forward with the Cistern Citadel cultists

Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence. ~ Vince Lombardi


I wonder…

• What does the water do?

• Will Roark do what Bran asks?

Ghastly grim and ancient raven wandering from the nightly shore – Tell me what thy lordly name is on the Night’s Plutonian shore! ~ Edgar Allan Poe: The Raven


Threat: Affliction

Name: Season of Sacrifices

Type: Sacrifice — Impulse: to leave people bereft

Description: The season is slowly turning foul for the farms, the Burnflats are being slowly dismantled and picked clean. Scarcity effects the necessary resources of maintaining homesteads, even in areas usually under granted reprieve in times of need from The Cistern Citadel Cultists…


~~ Wild Animals ~~ surplus: growth, violence want: idle, desertion impulse: to express anxiety, desperation, and hunger

~~ Bran’s Family ~~ (resources: connections, loyalty, blood kin -raw materials, -specialized goods, -security, -strategic position, -storage space, -time | small 1harm, 1armor, raiding ragamuffin ratpack surplus:party want: anxiety impulse: grab anything not nailed down and run away faster)

~~ Keefer ~~ (resource: vehicle(steam-powered train-car on tank treads), work-space, infirmary, status, books, information, know-how, access(all Season of Sacrifices resources)  -2 time, -2 liberty, -2 leisure,  want: breakdown, judgment, grounded, obligation impulse: to heal the wretched masses, to negotiate for services, to demand concession)

Resources: dust • debris • detritus • drought

I believe in living today. Not in yesterday, nor in tomorrow. ~ Loretta Young

End Session MC Move:

Between sessions, before prep of love letters and next session circumstances… to avoid the looming disaster roll:countdown

>countdown: countdown holds steady

@countdown: make a countdown tickback

The consequences of a collapse would not be pretty. Whichever country precipitated it — would trigger economic chaos and incur its neighbours’ wrath. ~ Barry Eichengreen


0:00 Nominal hardships abound, and yet ominous rumors spreading from unverified sources of a coming great scarcity.

3:00 Refugees become bold; seeking help, and comforts from any handout. The overall availability of water, foods, and shelter decreases.

6:00 Citadel proclaims the affliction to be a just punishment. The overall availability of medical supplies, water, foods, shelter decreases.

9:00 Overburdened weary guards and hospices are beginning to seriously neglect duties, responsibilities, and obligations. The overall availability of living space, liberty, leisure, medical supplies, water, foods, shelter, fuel, shelter decreases…. yet, a surplus of dust, debris, detritus, and drought is imminently available.

10:00 Wants of reprieve from anxiety, desertion, desperation, disease, famine, hunger, idle, judgment, obligation, savagery, and war spills out of the Burnflats, elevating the wants of those normally unaffected in luxury of stockpiles held by the safety of fortified walls. Mobs and desperate families trade blows closer to guarded claims normally thought of as peaceful, non-combative, zones. The overall availability of water, foods, shelter, medical supplies, health, living space, liberty, leisure, strategic positions, raw materials, know-how, machinery, connections, fuel, weaponry, and shelter all decreases… on the upside, meats seem to be enjoying a higher supply than demand calls for.

11:00 Many leaders and supply hoarders fly into fits of rage and desperation over dwindling resources. Tensions achieve a savage level, and markets fully shut down external trade. The overall availability of everything decreases, even the surplus of ambient meats are being left to decay… and no place is safe from an escalation of wants, and serious deficit of surplus.

12:00 As the wants of ravenous savages and violent militias rise beyond the breaking-point for the population of most holdings surplus to withstand, final solution countermeasures are initiated inside and out of many safe-holds… War, War never changes.

It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light. ~ Aristotle Onassis


I wonder…

• What is Tum Tum’s connection to Bran’s Family:- And; Why doesn’t Bran know about it?

• What does Keefer expect to gain from seeking the stories about a lost University Enclave?

#ApocalypseWorld   #RPG

#ApocalypseWorld   #RPG

Originally shared by William Mims

#ApocalypseWorld   #RPG

1.) Yes and no — It can cease to be a gang, and in that manner become an ex-parrot.. er.. non-existent entity.

 a.) staying alive is… staying alive… that is, continuing to exist with the directed purpose ascribable to any entity:-however, every couple harm that the gang soaks, counts as a couple fatalities (separate from injuries) that an angel is likely to pronounce D.O.A. (CHOPPERS -> ADDITIONAL RULES -> GANGS & HARM)

 b.) By disbanding — not ‘holding up’ under pressure, or in the absence of a leader at a critical moment, due to very bad management from the pack alpha, or simply because the rationale for banding together has passed and everyone is ready to divide the crew shares.

2.) If an infirmary is being used by someone with the appropriate move — the rules for healing one individual, or many sick, wounded, or dying souls, are the same. Triage (the assignment of degrees of urgency to wounds or illnesses to decide the order of treatment of a large number of patients or casualties.) seems to be presumed in the Infirmary, Battlefield Grace, and Touched by Death, but not in more intimate moves such as Healing Touch and Professional Compassion. (ANGEL:- ADDITIONAL RULES ~> INFIRMARY ~; ANGEL MOVES:- ~> Professional Compassion, Battlefield Grace, Healing Touch, Touched by Death.)

There is no reason not to allow a gang to heal (or fail harm rolls) as a single entity, normally — to simplify book keeping, and to keep the gang’s membership fresh. These are just extra mouths to feed, occasionally useful as meat-shields… right?


Since Triage Protocol seems to be a presumed part of the Angel’s repertoire, this also supports the notion that a fatality in a gang… is a fatality before the angel assigns order of treatments, and no matter how long they might remain conscious… they are counted among the lost that no miracle can dissuade.

I would not count such Fatalities as being part of the sick and wounded that die under an angel’s care, for purposes of the Touched by Death move. These are, by all rights, dead before care is assigned.

#Roleplaying  #Zombie  #Apocalypse  #DungeonWorld

One: Is this hack actually a thing, that somehow I have missed?

One: Is this hack actually a thing, that somehow I have missed?

One: Is this hack actually a thing, that somehow I have missed?

Two: Has anyone managed to succeed at using the Move-style resolutions

(Yes, and…/Yes, but…/Maybe, but…/No, and…) in a more Skill-list format?

Three: The Mouse Guard Playbook… Really?

I was considering scales of combat and training more in the likes of Revolution and The Postman, and I think this…

I was considering scales of combat and training more in the likes of Revolution and The Postman, and I think this…

I was considering scales of combat and training more in the likes of Revolution and The Postman, and I think this nails it…

…as far as extended group categories and professional armies might go.

Level 1: Fireteam, Squad, Section… same as Small, Medium, Large Gang

Level 2: Platoon, Troop, Company… could be a Small, Medium, Large Mob

Level 3: Battery, Flight, Squadron… Small, Medium, Large Riot

after this point, untrained or irregular militants are basically insurgent hoards, tribes, nations of approximated strength

Level 4: Battalion, Regiment, Brigade…

Level 5: Group, Division, Corps…

Level 6: Field/Force, Region, Theater…

Maybe not a useful thought in a typical AW game, but it seemed worth considering.

Maybe in some hacks this could be more relevant, like; Mass Effect, or Uncharted Worlds… Lonely World, or when using The Regiment perhaps.

I Open My Brain to the maelstrom of thoughts, insults, and opinions…

Some half-baked ideas submitted for general dialectic inquiry.

Some half-baked ideas submitted for general dialectic inquiry.

Some half-baked ideas submitted for general dialectic inquiry.

In the wastelands of The After, legal ownership of land is contested by people at every opportunity, and those who seek or claim traditional usage, land rights, native title, and related forms of full or partial control are rare… typically one would need to pay a regent, swear an allegiance, or otherwise convince a stronger force to help maintain such claims from raiders and jumpers.

Not everyone has such luxury, unfortunately.

The Raider — There is no real reason to care for civility in this world, it’s every survivor for themselves… you only own what you’ve stayed living long enough to use — and then it’s gone. The souls that lead a sedentary packrat lifestyle don’t have any more claim to civility in their greedily hoarding lifestyle than anyone else… Take what you need, use what you want, and to hell with the rest.

(stock character trope: independent insurgent or rebellious brat)

The Maverick — as antisocial card players and honorless con-artists go, The Maverick is the life of many a party. Always ready for a high-stakes game for a higher value prize, and often the best player to be employed to entertain anyone with the lux to spare. With a wide variety of skills — which could include songs, music, storytelling, acrobatics, juggling and prestidigitation — don’t underestimate the cunning of a lone coyote, the trickster knows many disguises.

(stock character trope: crazy survivalist or mysterious gunman)

The Landsquatter — Many solitary folks just live in any crack they can duck into, taking from the land whatever is not being watched no matter who claims it; others just keep their head in their crack until someone finally claims it. Maybe a small family, gang, or crew will live comfortably just outside the reach of anyone’s direct claims… but there are very few families of jackals out there you can trust have remained well fed enough through the winter, not to poach on the meat of other passing animals… better to keep to your own nest.

(stock character trope: paranoid prepper or creepy hermit)

The Homesteader — Some hardholds have resident souls with a long term claim of ownership to a homestead supporting a small family, gang, or crew. Whether nested inside or outside the walls, sometimes it’s good to have an alliance with the local bigshots, and secure ties with a market of needy souls… sometimes it’s not.

(stock character trope: hardboiled homesteader or lone holdout)

Does your Hardholder have it?

Does your Hardholder have it?

Does your Hardholder have it?

Deserve it? Coerce souls for it?

Was it offered, bought, or stolen?


The principle that indicates the acceptance of the decisions of government leaders and officials by (most of) the public on the grounds that these leaders’ acquisition and exercise of power has been in accordance with the society’s generally accepted procedures and political or moral values. Legitimacy may be conferred upon power holders in a variety of ways in different societies, usually involving solemn formal rituals of a religious or quasi-religious nature –royal birth and coronation in monarchies, popular election and “swearing in” in democracies and so on. “Legitimate” rulers typically require less use of physical coercion to enforce their decisions than rulers lacking in legitimacy, because most of the people are apt to feel a moral obligation to obey the former but not the latter. Consequently, people who gain or hold power by illegitimate means tend to work very hard to discover or create ways of endowing themselves with legitimacy after the fact, often by inventing a new ideology or religion and attempting to indoctrinate the people with its legitimating formulas through various forms of propaganda, thus creating moral incentives for the citizenry to obey their government.

oh… and side-relevancy question for picture validation;

Can a Faceless remain a Hardholder… or vise versa?

If yes, how? If no, why?

This is a really good discussion on post-apocalyptic economics, front loaded with a very clear and concise…

This is a really good discussion on post-apocalyptic economics, front loaded with a very clear and concise…

This is a really good discussion on post-apocalyptic economics, front loaded with a very clear and concise description of the term currency.

They bring up various forms of proto-currencies found in drama, literature, games, and history. Any give a look at the shift from cash to collapse and back again.

extra topic info

Below I am sharing some notes for your perusal and discussion.

ignore at your leisure.


Trading of goods or services directly for other goods or services, without using money or any other similar unit of account or medium of exchange. Although barter represents the earliest form of trade discovered by primitive man that made possible a more extensive division of labor beyond the limited bounds of a family or small clan grouping, it quickly encounters some practical limits to its efficiency as the division of labor becomes still more extensive and more specialized. Bartering requires what economists refer to as a “double coincidence of wants.” That is, for a voluntary barter exchange to take place, it is not enough for you just to find someone who has the exact good you want to acquire — he must also happen to want to “buy” the particular good that you have to trade for it at the same time. Finding someone whose immediate needs exactly complement your own in this precise way may take quite a lot of searching, which is costly in terms of time and effort. The primitive partial solution to this matching problem is to make one or more intermediate swaps with still other people in order to acquire some other item that will be more acceptable to the owner of the item you desire — but this will also tend to be very time-consuming. The more complex the division of labor, the more finely specialized the population’s productive roles, and the more numerous the variety of goods and services produced in an economy, the more costly and cumbersome barter trading will become because the likelihood of any two people having a double coincidence of wants shrinks dramatically. History strongly suggests, in fact, that the (sometimes gradual, sometimes amazingly rapid) replacement of a barter economy by an exchange economy employing some form of money to facilitate trade is a near-absolute necessity before much economic development beyond a rather primitive tribal level can occur.

Feudalistic Economy

If a Hold has a stable market, then an economic support system is likely either in place or quickly developed… especially if a strong Want: Liberties is present among the people.

A strong Want: Judgment might press a Hold into an agenda of dogmatism in it’s social contracts…think about how wants can manifest in some unusual ways, especially when multiple competitive wants and needs arise in a nonexclusive manifestation.

A suitable Want: Conservation can easily develop in even the most primitive Hold, it need not always be another savages & scavengers breeding pit.

Any obvious resources want or need… that is not under unusual scarcity… held universally by every member of a Hold is likely to be an open resource available to all established members of that community… and the concept of tightly held resources for the community survival in a resource challenged environment, is sufficient to immediately reduce the schism of fellow-neighbors and nuclear-families — allowing for common properties.

Remember that resources are “owned” by them what hold hardest to that land… and the chief custodian of a tribe’s lands, that most honors the common interests of the community, is the most honored magnate amongst equaled souls.

When a chief magnate’s honoured position is consolidated under an irrevocable lifetime legitimacy to rule over the tribe’s hard earned holdings; by economic status, noble due, and traditional custom… in a thriving land, it’s good to be the king.

mythbusting miscellaneous misconceptions

• Feudal Society and Monarchical Sovereignty, do not always come hand-in-hand.

• Feudal Society is a structure of pyramidal governing power, not an express acknowledgment of a singular despot.

• Monarchical Sovereignty does not always come with explicit rules of heredity entitled only to members of a specific royal family.

• It is the possession of the symbolic Ceremonial Estate Vestment of Highest Honorific Title which has the significance for the state and its institutions, that legitimate customary privileges… unless it’s just a pointy hat, and the person is more inspiring to the people than the furniture.

• No matter how totalitarian the authority is perceived and proscribed; It is a duty and a privilege to maintain a continuum of sovereign rule, not a responsibility to be dishonored or right to be squandered — even by the monarch under the vestments.

Oh… and trading your munitions for scarce supplies, is an unspeakably high show of trust and respect in regard for that person to whom you traded… unless you’ve obviously still got them outgunned.