Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2e is live on kickstarter!

Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2e is live on kickstarter!

Legacy: Life Among the Ruins 2e is live on kickstarter!

If you’re interested in a game that fuses the wide scope of REIGN or Crusader Kings with the vibrant post-apocalypse of Gamma World or Hyper Light Drifter, or if you liked the first edition and want to know how we’ve made it even better, go check out the kickstarter page!


This week’s been spent putting together a quickstart for Legacy, in preparation for the Kickstarter.

This week’s been spent putting together a quickstart for Legacy, in preparation for the Kickstarter.

Originally shared by Jay Iles

This week’s been spent putting together a quickstart for Legacy, in preparation for the Kickstarter.

In Titanomachy, the players are survivors living among the ruins of a colony devastated when colossal titans surged out of the planet’s jungle and tore apart their space elevator and advanced infrastructure. Generations down the line, they’ve managed to rebuild some civilisation and found ways to survive in this alien world, but it’s just happened again: the titan Gigas rampaged through the homeland, causing huge devastation. Among that destruction there’s hope: the titan was slain by your combined efforts, and now its corpse lies cooling in the heart of your community.

You know the titans can be stopped, but your families are weaker than ever. How will you build a world where you’re safe?

If you’re a patron, you can get a first look at the quickstart here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/first-draft-13142628

With the Kickstarter for #Legacy2e coming soon I’ve been thinking about stretch goals.

With the Kickstarter for #Legacy2e coming soon I’ve been thinking about stretch goals.

Originally shared by Jay Iles

With the Kickstarter for #Legacy2e coming soon I’ve been thinking about stretch goals. I want the core game to be mostly done by the time I launch the Kickstarter, so I don’t want stretch goals to add bells and whistles to the book.

Instead, I’m opening it up to others. The main reason I got interested in doing more with Legacy is that Douglas Santana brought me a great new idea with Mirrors in the Ruins – I’m very excited to see what other people might do with the framework! Please do get in touch if you’d be at all interested.

Here’s my breakdown of what Legacy offers, and where you might be interested in taking it:

What’re the core themes of Legacy?

Scale. Each player controls a broader family as well as characters. Action happens on a family scale of hundreds of people and months of work as well as a character scale of individuals taking action over minutes or hours.

Ages. You spend limited time at a particular point in history, using your character as a lens to highlight a particular aspect of your family. Between these ages, there are moves to guide how your family evolves or suffers and how the world changes.

The world. The players build up a map of the world that informs how dangerous travel can be, what threats and resources are out there, and how the different families and factions interact with each other.

History. As you play you make permanent changes to the world and see the unexpected results of previous actions. You can draw on the power of previous characters, create giant mega-projects that redefine the world, and build the world’s saga together.

What are the assumptions of Legacy that you might want to break?

Post-apocalyptic: Legacy takes place after a reality-twisting apocalypse, with survivors finding a way to adapt to the new world. Maybe you want to set a hack in a world that hasn’t crashed – a near-future cyberpunk world? Or maybe you want to tell the story of colonists on an alien world, still removed from their support but not due to a cataclysm.

A golden age: The World Before had all sorts of strange technology. As you play you’ll find marvels among the ruins you can draw great power from. In your hack, maybe the marvels are created by the characters – the dawn of civilisation, with players inventing farming, medicine and magic?

Multi-generation play: Legacy assumes significant time passes between ages – there a few generations or more. In a different context, though, significant time could only be a few months or years. Maybe you’d like to make a hack set during a military campaign like Night Witches, with time skips moving the front towards its eventual conclusion?

Tense relationships between families: By default, the families are competing for scarce resources, with peace maintained by a web of obligations and treaties. Maybe you want to see what happens when families are more closely allied? Or maybe you want to put them more directly at each other’s throats?

How to get started:

If you have ideas, get in touch and we can start talking through the details. If we’re both excited to move forward with it, I’ll put it on the list of stretch goals. Assuming the goal’s hit, I will offer you feedback, talk through ideas, cheerlead you and give you layout, editing and an art budget.

Once it’s done we’ll sell the game as its own pdf splitting revenue 50/50. You’ll have full rights to give it away, hack it further, and do whatever you want with it, so long as you credit Legacy according to a creative commons attribution-share alike license.

It’s taking shape!!

It’s taking shape!!

It’s taking shape!!

And still there is so much more to come 🙂

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Version 1.2 of #Legacy2e is now up on the UFO Press patreon!

This release has a ton of new stuff over the previous one. Besides the gorgeous art running through the whole document, we have:

– Simplified basic moves for Families.

– Fleshed out Gear of all kinds.

– Added a 7th Family – The Order of Sworn Hunters, who manage, shepherd and hunt down the colossal beasts of the wasteland.

– Added advice and examples of play for most of the core moves, with more yet to come.

– Adjusted game setup to better reflect just how much family landmarks and character roles can do the heavy lifting in making and interesting situation.

– And more!

Patrons can get immediate access by following this link https://www.patreon.com/posts/11772553 or you can wait 5 days for it to be opened to the public.

Want to help playtest Legacy 2e?

Want to help playtest Legacy 2e?

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Want to help playtest Legacy 2e? I’m looking for 3-5 players to run through world, family and character creation, and then playing through a few sessions of the game. Character sheets and handouts can be found here: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/o1m0zd8pu3fnhy0/AAAf5IHgtEI_TUNIXlxdShIMa?dl=0

A webcam and microphone is essential, and you should be OK with the video being posted up afterward for promotional purposes. Let me know if you have any questions!


We’re planning on releasing the first playtest/preview documents for Legacy 2e very soon.

We’re planning on releasing the first playtest/preview documents for Legacy 2e very soon.

We’re planning on releasing the first playtest/preview documents for Legacy 2e very soon. These will be pretty barebones – we want to test that the new basic moves work before going overboard with writing and laying out playbooks.

The plan’s to include the 5 original Families and 5 characters – but which ones?

Vote for the playbooks you’d like to see here!


Hello Legacy fans!

Hello Legacy fans!

Hello Legacy fans! Douglas Santana and I are hard at work on the revised edition of Legacy. One of the major changes so far is the addition of Quick Characters. See the attached playbook and description below, and let me know what you think!

Sometimes you’ll want to play out a particular character’s actions in detail, but the fiction makes it implausible for the other major characters to be involved. Other times, you might not want to build a full character for a particular age, and prefer something simpler. In these circumstances, you can instead use Quick Characters.

Quick Characters still use the Character basic moves, and have Force, Lore, Steel and Sway, but have simplified playbooks. They inherit a stat line, a move and gear from their Family, enabling them to be generated quickly.

We haven’t written up the family side of this completely yet, but as an example, the Enclave of Forgotten Lore would have:


Add +1 to Lore or Steel


Take gear according to your Surplus investment (more on this later), +1 to Data or Outfit.

Inheritance Move options:

Radio Rig: Can sense when Tech is within a mile, and track it down to within 100 metres.

Pain Box: You have a device that causes intense pain in anyone within a few dozen metres (melee, nonlethal, area, hi-tech).

Survey drone: You can roll +Lore with Wasteland Survival, so long as your trail is visible from the air.

Hot Rod: You have an exceptionally fast vehicle (land-based, Might 1 Chrome 1 Brawn 0), and can move points between its stats with 15 minutes of tinkering.

Educated: If you give advice to somebody based on your knowledge of the Before, they take +1 Forward.


In celebration of Legacy hitting Platinum bestseller (top 0.6%) and Echoes of the Fall hitting Gold (top 1.71%) I’ve…

In celebration of Legacy hitting Platinum bestseller (top 0.6%) and Echoes of the Fall hitting Gold (top 1.71%) I’ve…

In celebration of Legacy hitting Platinum bestseller (top 0.6%) and Echoes of the Fall hitting Gold (top 1.71%) I’ve put them both at 25% off for the next week!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Just spotted that Legacy hit platinum bestseller and Echoes of the Fall hit gold on DriveThruRPG over the weekend! This is a pretty huge milestone for me as an independent publisher, and to celebrate both Legacy and Echoes are 25% off for the next week.

If you’d like to add weird tech, a faction level focus or a multi-generation story to your post-apocalypse go take a look!
