I assume I’m not the only one to see the ironic humor here…:)

I assume I’m not the only one to see the ironic humor here…:)

I assume I’m not the only one to see the ironic humor here…:)

“The best way to drive out the devil… is to jeer and flout him, for he cannot bear scorn.” -Martin Luther


‘Zombie-like’ raccoons believed to be infected with distemper in Youngstown, Ohio – The Washington Post

‘Zombie-like’ raccoons believed to be infected with distemper in Youngstown, Ohio – The Washington Post


I try to write “Death Note”, my phone corrects to “Death MotW”. Has it just suggested a crossover mystery?

I try to write “Death Note”, my phone corrects to “Death MotW”. Has it just suggested a crossover mystery?

I try to write “Death Note”, my phone corrects to “Death MotW”. Has it just suggested a crossover mystery?