Going to be playing a game of this soon. I know the final playbooks aren’t released yet, but are there any other versions available? Struggling to find any.
Going to be playing a game of this soon.
Going to be playing a game of this soon.
Going to be playing a game of this soon.
Going to be playing a game of this soon. I know the final playbooks aren’t released yet, but are there any other versions available? Struggling to find any.
Perhaps this will give you an insight into the editing process between Jason Morningstar and Steve Segedy.
Perhaps this will give you an insight into the editing process between Jason Morningstar and Steve Segedy. I will let you choose who is who here.
Originally shared by null
LOL, cat SLAP! ❤
#Cats #Caturday
^%}£¥! little PO-2s at 1/144 scale are €€^*# to assemble!
Originally shared by Sophie Lagace
^%}£¥! little PO-2s at 1/144 scale are €€^*# to assemble!
It’s just so pretty…
It’s just so pretty…
They’re in!!
Originally shared by Sophie Lagace
They’re in!!
I put all the play aid files in a public folder here:
I put all the play aid files in a public folder here:
They will be updated but are functional. The onyl new thing is a name list.
…the books are wending their way through the postalsphere.
¡Qué mejor forma de comenzar la semana que con una nueva reseña en Runas Explosivas!
Originally shared by Juan Manuel Avila
¡Qué mejor forma de comenzar la semana que con una nueva reseña en Runas Explosivas! Hoy compartimos con ustedes nuestras impresiones sobre Night Witches, el último juego de Jason Morningstar sobre valientes aviadoras soviéticas de la Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Cards proof!
Cards proof!
Rules Question- in a damaged plane with an NPC pilot and a PC Navigator, who rolls for the Wheels Down manoeuvre?
Rules Question- in a damaged plane with an NPC pilot and a PC Navigator, who rolls for the Wheels Down manoeuvre? Should the NPC’s have stats and rolls (which is against the GM never rolls ethos of Powered by Apocalypse World engine)?
I’ve made the Navigator player roll on behalf of the NPC and using their PCs Skill, but should I be assigning stars and informing the Section Leader so they can make appropriate assignments?
Or is it just GM fiat if a NPC pilot puts a damaged plane down successfully or not? (Again against the PBAW ethos of hard moves trigger in response to rolls of 6-)