A friend of mine is starting an Uncharted Worlds game, and I noticed that there are +1 to a stat moves that come…

A friend of mine is starting an Uncharted Worlds game, and I noticed that there are +1 to a stat moves that come…

A friend of mine is starting an Uncharted Worlds game, and I noticed that there are +1 to a stat moves that come with Origins, but after character creation, you can’t get an Origin move. However, the other 3 choices for Origin moves are career moves, so you CAN go learn those moves.

So you only have one opportunity to take a +1 to a stat move ever, take it or leave it. And the other 3 are moves you can take later if you want them. Hmm.

The big incentive here is to take the +1 to a stat move from your Origin. For instance, if I make a jovial rogue, I can take Affable from my Crowded world, then get Contacts later by advancing in Personality. But I can’t do it the other way around. It’s a perverse incentive, because you don’t realize it at first, and could feel put out by it, and if you do realize it at character creation, there’s a strong incentive to take the +1 stat move instead of one of the others, since you can’t get it later.

Seems like the game should let people take advancements from their (and only their) Origin to fix this situation.

If Sean Gomes is on here, maybe he can explain why it was designed this way. Or maybe consider changing it for Uncharted Worlds second edition 😉

This looks pretty awesome – an interesting way of moving forward from a cyberpunk setting.

This looks pretty awesome – an interesting way of moving forward from a cyberpunk setting.

This looks pretty awesome – an interesting way of moving forward from a cyberpunk setting. I’d be interested in hearing what people’s experiences with The Veil have been like?

Originally shared by Jason Cordova

The Kickstarter for The Veil: Cascade is live! Cascade is a supplement for The Veil that adds a ton of new material to the core game, as well as allowing you to play in a post-cyberpunk future, in this case one in which someone’s consciousness is stored on a neurochip and can be downloaded into a new body, called a slack. You play a glitch, someone who has been downloaded into a new body, but who has lost a lot of memories from their past life. It’s a game about both the future and the past; about exploring a future world that is alien to you but also filling in the gaps from your lost past.

What I love about Cascade is it reflects a lot of Fraser’s experience with RPGs over the last couple of years, and I know this because he and I have been gaming together regularly for awhile now. Cascade’s emphasis on question-based exploration of setting and characters, and its embrace of emergent mystery, are things that look really familiar to me and I dig it.

Anyway, go check out the campaign. The layout for Cascade is being done by our own Oli Jeffery, and based off the quickstart, it’s going to be sharp as fuck. Also, Fraser has some nice stretch goals lined up.


Hi everybody.

Hi everybody.

Hi everybody. We are a group of game designers from the cold Russia. Couple of years ago we published our space opera game “Грань Вселенной”. Powered by the Apocalypse, it provided players with everything they needed to launch any type of spacefaring adventures with easy to learn rules.

When we finished the second edition, we decided to move further and present our game to English-speaking audience. The game is called Edge of the Verse and you can find playtest materials here:


We will appreciate any feedback and will answer any questions with pleasure.


So I have a rough draft for adapting AW2.0 to play a Ghost in the Shell game.

So I have a rough draft for adapting AW2.0 to play a Ghost in the Shell game.

So I have a rough draft for adapting AW2.0 to play a Ghost in the Shell game. (I haven’t seen the live action film – heard it wasn’t good. This is inspired by the anime, manga, and animated films.)

It’s not a full hack. It requires you to own AW2.0.

Please take a look, comment, and help me improve it.


The biggest hurdle I ran into was how much of AW depends on small, intimate populations vs. how much of cyberpunk (GitS included) trades on alienation. I adapted two new moves to help bring the PCs together and give them some intimate connections.

(Yes, I am aware of The Sprawl. It’s awesome, but I didn’t want all the “go on missions” focus.)

Anyway, I’m open to ways to improve it. Feel free to use it / play it / etc if you want, too.

My next project: creating a one shot scenario for Apocalypse World for cons, like I did with Camp Monsterhearts.

My next project: creating a one shot scenario for Apocalypse World for cons, like I did with Camp Monsterhearts.

Originally shared by David Rothfeder

My next project: creating a one shot scenario for Apocalypse World for cons, like I did with Camp Monsterhearts. This time I’m going to use a concept I had last year for Golden Cobra, an Edwardian tea house in the middle of the apocalypse. The goal is to provide tools to create a pretty full game experience within a 3-4 hour con slot. I think I might do this for a few pbta games. If it catches on I might attempt to publish since I was super happy with my last run of Camp Monsterhearts.

Long time GM of many many systems, seeking a system where I can do a Fantasy universe / Food Wars crossover.

Long time GM of many many systems, seeking a system where I can do a Fantasy universe / Food Wars crossover.

Long time GM of many many systems, seeking a system where I can do a Fantasy universe / Food Wars crossover. Goal – make the cooking as intense as the combat. I’ve heard this is the system to go with; I’m lining up a play demo so I can see how suited the system is to my style of GMing and my players’ style of play.

Checking here to see if someone has either a) done the work already and built a cooking-intensive game and b) folks have ideas on where to start building playbooks.

Thanks for any help you can provide!

There’s a vacancy for a brave soul willing to test themselves against the Great City of Varya.

There’s a vacancy for a brave soul willing to test themselves against the Great City of Varya.

There’s a vacancy for a brave soul willing to test themselves against the Great City of Varya. Should you be that soul, and available for three hours starting at 7pm UK time Sunday the 14th, make your mark here or on Roll20 (https://app.roll20.net/lfg/listing/76261/fallen-empires). Two are already pledged and a Master of Ceremonies stands ready. Dark fantasy urban adventure, powered by the Apocalypse. 


Messing about with yet another spellcasting move for Wizard World (my Ars Magica hack). What do you think of this:

Messing about with yet another spellcasting move for Wizard World (my Ars Magica hack). What do you think of this:

Messing about with yet another spellcasting move for Wizard World (my Ars Magica hack). What do you think of this:

Spontaneous Magic

When you spontaneously and quickly use magic to solve a problem or overcome an obstacle, describe how you do it and roll. If you do it…

…by creating something, +Creo

…by perceiving, understanding or gathering information about something, +Intellego

…by changing the shape, size or other properties of something, +Muto

…by destroying something, +Perdo

…by controlling or moving something, +Rego

On a hit, fill in sections of an obstacle cycle equal to your mastery of the Form that is most appropriate to the target and situation. When the cycle is full, the problem is solved and/or the obstacle overcome. You may fill in extra sections of the cycle by suffering harm on a 1:1 basis.

On a 10+ the spell works perfectly. On a 7-9 the spell works but the GM will choose one appropriate to the situation.

– There is a flaw in your spell that causes a complication.

– The target proves resistant to your efforts; further attempts to use the same Form will not fill sections of the cycle.

– You suffer harm based on the situation (retaliation from the target, strain from the spell itself, or damage from something in the environment). The GM will tell you how much.

– You gain +1 Warping.

On a 6- you lose control of the magic – the GM will tell you what happens.