Another installment of the climbers, my Apocalypse World game.

Another installment of the climbers, my Apocalypse World game.

Another installment of the climbers, my Apocalypse World game. This session Jarhead does surgery on himself, Gator dreams of the past, and November and Violet end up on a collision course.

In case people didn’t see this earlier.

In case people didn’t see this earlier.

In case people didn’t see this earlier.

Originally shared by Sophie Lagace

Nahual Squad is a game by Mexican writers, to be released in both Spanish and English, and based on Mexican fiction, powered by the Apocalypse. I can’t wait.

So, I’ve been writing a manga/anime PbtA hack for a couple of months now and I am in need of some guidance about…

So, I’ve been writing a manga/anime PbtA hack for a couple of months now and I am in need of some guidance about…

So, I’ve been writing a manga/anime PbtA hack for a couple of months now and I am in need of some guidance about playbooks. I don’t want to create straight up playbooks, but leave the creation of the characters dependent on the setting and genre (aspect that’s really important in both manga and anime) of the game. 

My question is this: What do you guys suggest about this part of the character creation portion? Do you think a universal template would work, or something more specific?

I thought about the MC and players working together to come up with a limited number of custom moves for the character; or maybe letting them create their character and just use the basic/special moves (those have been written) for guidance in the game. They basically are able to do whatever their character can do within their stipulated abilities.

Any suggestion is appreciated! Thanks!

Another recap of my Apocalypse Word game, the climbers.

Another recap of my Apocalypse Word game, the climbers.

Another recap of my Apocalypse Word game, the climbers. Now for a Mad Max reference and the epic rescue of the Music Bowl. And dreams of the past.

In the latest recap of the Climbers, my players return to the Autodoc to take it back from an insane AI.

In the latest recap of the Climbers, my players return to the Autodoc to take it back from an insane AI.

In the latest recap of the Climbers, my players return to the Autodoc to take it back from an insane AI. when they get there they find someone else is intent on the same thing. Oh and I get cake.

I’ve been prepping for a small Con game I’m going to run in about three weeks.

I’ve been prepping for a small Con game I’m going to run in about three weeks.

I’ve been prepping for a small Con game I’m going to run in about three weeks. A few of the Gm’s have got into the habit of making a “trailer” video for the games we run. (If the sharing of any of this copyrighted content here is a problem, please let me know and I’ll remove it)

Also, here’s a bunch of leading questions I was going to throw at the players to get things going. The setting is loosely based on Hatchet city, but with Fury Road and general Mad Max influences.


How did you come to Wonderland, and how did you find your role here?

You are all companions. You might not be friends, but are at least temporary allies.

Ask Hx Questions.

Are you allied to a gang, or are you a lonewolf?

Roll Hot

10+ You are in with…(pick two)

7-9 You are in with…(pick one)

miss, or choose: You have enemies…(MC picks one)


Rothschild’s gang (Mouse, Coldtrain, Stav)

Security (Harradin, Joe’s Girl, Corbett)

Dunes (Monk, Exit, Rice)

Dust (Witch, Doghead, Matilda)

Do you drive a road machine or do you ride shotgun?

If you drive, your machine is…(choose one from each section):

Strength: Tough, Big, Souped up, Fast, Agile, Powerful, Armoured, Gun mounts, Wheel spikes, Transport.

Weakness: Gas guzzler, Light weight, Slow, Open to the environment, Difficult to maneuver, Small, Patched together, Unreliable.

If you ride shotgun, pick another character’s machine to ride in.

If you are The Driver, don’t pick; you already have an awesome beast. Instead, tell everyone about some of the crazy shit you’ve seen out there in the Dustbowl. Pick one:

Arable land, beyond a distant mountain range

The ruins of a great city

A deserted military compound, on the edge of the distant mountains

A gorge, deep with flowing waters

A canyon; the perfect hideout

Each player answers one of:

If the…






…runs out, who can you turn to for supply?

Mouse, Coldtrain, Stav, Harradin, Joe’s Girl, Corbett, Monk, Exit, Rice, Doghead, Matilda

Then pick any number of reasons why this is a hard thing to do:

You hate them. Why?

They hate you. Why?

It will endanger them. How?

It will endanger you. How?

It will make someone envious. Who?

You have to steal it. Where?

They have to steal it. Who?

You will be indebted to them. What?

Since Game Chef 2013, I’ve been working on a diceless AW hack to create noirs.

Since Game Chef 2013, I’ve been working on a diceless AW hack to create noirs.

Since Game Chef 2013, I’ve been working on a diceless AW hack to create noirs. I’m happy to say it’s now finished and available. Soth is my game about small-town cultists trying to summon a dark god. I’d call it a cousin of Apocalypse World.

I wanted to create a game with the tension of a noir or thriller: stories like Breaking Bad or Psycho, where we follow someone trying to deceive and murder their way out of trouble.

So, Soth uses a diceless process to evaluate how suspicious the cultists are being. The GM then spends that Suspicion to put the cultists under pressure (I think of it as an economy for Hard Moves).

To celebrate the start of this year’s Game Chef contest, you can get it for $6 from (until Monday).


I’m not really sure what’s going on, but I know I want to play this AW game.

I’m not really sure what’s going on, but I know I want to play this AW game.

I’m not really sure what’s going on, but I know I want to play this AW game.

New chapter of #NahualRPG is on. It’s about the first session of play, I included this idea, what do you think?

New chapter of #NahualRPG is on. It’s about the first session of play, I included this idea, what do you think?

New chapter of #NahualRPG is on. It’s about the first session of play, I included this idea, what do you think?


• What is your greatest desire in life?

• What do you hate most in the world?

• What is the worst thing you have done because of your Vice?

Before anything else, ask the players to answer to these three questions. You’ll notice they are phrased to address the characters not the players, so ask them to answer them as their character. Let know the players that depending on the answers, you will give them XP; the more interesting, personal or troubled the answer, the more XP they’ll get. For each answer you’ll give the character 0-3 XP at your discretion. As a general guide, you can give 0 points if the answer is mediocre, ambiguous or without commitment for the character, and up to 3 points if the answer presents a conflict on a golden plate or it gives you a first draft of an antagonist.”