I have some PbtA write-ups to do, one idea I’ve had for a while concerns the road warrior part of post-apocalyptic…

I have some PbtA write-ups to do, one idea I’ve had for a while concerns the road warrior part of post-apocalyptic…

I have some PbtA write-ups to do, one idea I’ve had for a while concerns the road warrior part of post-apocalyptic games, not just AW. A lot of them touches on the road warrior and their being, but not much. In a AW/PbtA-sense of fashion I imagine it a bit more elaborate than presented in the (1st ed) AW rules, but still as awesomely moldable and exciting. No easy task at all. But I’ve jotted down some stuff and will probably get up to speed as soon as I’ve watched the latest installment with Furiosa and the gang. Concept name of this hack is FUEL.

Technology in PbtA games – some thoughts

Technology in PbtA games – some thoughts

Technology in PbtA games – some thoughts

TLDR: Unrestrained technologies undermine the mechanics of PbtA games, and what works best in technology rich settings is a) give the the character’s moves priority, and b) constrain the rate at which characters can acquire enhancing technologies.

Working on both a Steampunk and a Sci-fi PbtA hack really focuses the mind on the question of how best to incorporate technology into a PbtA game without turning that game into a technology arms race.

Sci-fi and steampunk are, by definition, settings where people use technologies that enhance their abilities; allowing them to do things they couldn’t otherwise (e.g. grav belt) and making them better at things they can do (e.g. power arm).  

Technologies that give the characters new options in the fiction are easy to handle because they are effectively the same, in terms of gameplay, as a player coming up with an inventive way to handle a situation or moving the adventure into new territory (e.g. underwater). These technologies don’t require change to the game itself, just enjoyment of the fiction they open up.

It’s the things that make the characters existing abilities more powerful that are more challenging.  

For example: How do you handle a character who picks up a target tracking gun-sight?

– Do they simply +1 on their shooting rolls, knowing that will a) make them as good a shot as someone who invested an improvement to their skills to get that good, and b) reduce the chances of interesting fiction happening (7-9 and 6- rolls) in combat.

– Do they need a special move for the upgrade?

– What if they later add a second upgrade to their gun (e.g. hunter-seeker bullets)?

What about an automated lock picker?

– Does this add +1 to attempts to pick locks?

– Does it work automatically on most locks and require a roll only on the most complex locks?

– And if this device makes the ‘thief’ character’s hard won lock picking skills redundant?

The technologies in these two examples make the character who uses them them more powerful. But do they make for better fiction? Do they make the game more exciting? More interesting?

There is also the problem of technology making characters’ own moves redundant.

I’ve come to the conclusion that unrestrained technologies actually undermine the mechanics of PbtA games – which makes hacking AW for technology rich settings of sci-fi and steampunk a challenge.

What seems to work best is when the power resides in the characters’ own moves, and accumulation of enhancing technologies is constrained either by a fictional mechanism (e.g. scarcity, high cost, available only to certain playbooks, etc.) or by tying it in to the characters development path (in effect making the technology just another sort of character move).

That’s my take on this.  

What are your thoughts?

I’m using some of my time to research cool places to depict in maps – in new ways.

I’m using some of my time to research cool places to depict in maps – in new ways.

I’m using some of my time to research cool places to depict in maps – in new ways. I’d love some feedback upon these maps from Skepnad Studios (discounted for this group). You don’t have to buy anything, just throw a wishlist or two at me for ideas!



Has anyone tried to run a game of Apocalypse World in a steam punk retro setting, rather than a…

Has anyone tried to run a game of Apocalypse World in a steam punk retro setting, rather than a…

Has anyone tried to run a game of Apocalypse World in a steam punk retro setting, rather than a modern-day-gone-to-hell Mad Max kind of way?

I was wondering about pitching a game to my friends about an Apocalypse World set in the aftermath of The War of the Worlds (the original story from 1895-7, not the more contemporary films), assuming that the invasion was pretty much on a global scale and that survivors are picking up the pieces with perhaps the capacity to learn from abandoned Martian tech, but also with the knowledge that they’re still up there, watching. But some of the playbooks would likely need a rethink (or at least would require research into the sorts of technology available, such as cars and motorcycles – perhaps horse riding bandits instead).

Now the explosive finale for this session of the Climbers as the Apocalypse World characters try to stop it from…

Now the explosive finale for this session of the Climbers as the Apocalypse World characters try to stop it from…

Now the explosive finale for this session of the Climbers as the Apocalypse World characters try to stop it from being infected with a parasitic fungus. They roll…poorly.


A new illustration for the #NahualRPG , a Mexican game based on Edgar Clement’s universe and Powered by the…

A new illustration for the #NahualRPG , a Mexican game based on Edgar Clement’s universe and Powered by the…

A new illustration for the #NahualRPG , a Mexican game based on Edgar Clement’s universe and Powered by the Apocalypse.


Hi everybody

Hi everybody

Hi everybody,

I posted on rpgnow a little draft of a sci-fi AW-hack:


It alternates the focus between missions and battles (with cyborgs…) and the “normal” lives of the characters (how they cope with the stress of war).

It’s still a work in progress, but if anyone would like to give it a try, I’d love to hear some feedback. Go get it, it’s free, anyway.
