Hi everyone
It’s been a year since the French release of “Libreté”, my powered-by-the-apocalypse roleplaying game where you play children gathered in a fortress, recreating some sort of a chaotic society while trying to repel the voracious sirains (think Lord of the Flies and Gone for example, with some horrific touch).
Thanks to a great game played at the GauntletCon and especially to the efforts of Christo Meid (and also the infinite kindness of my layout artist), I’ve finally found the courage to translate the Demo Kit, which you will find for free at the following page. I contains the basic rules, 5 pregen characters, and a straightforward adventure (it was made to be used in conventions, hence the railroading feel).
We hope that you will try and love it. Do not hesitate to give us some feedback, and to ask questions!