There’s a new edited version of City of Judas available today!

There’s a new edited version of City of Judas available today!

There’s a new edited version of City of Judas available today!

In a few words: no changes to mechanics but full editing by Jim Comer (tons of typos and mistakes fixed).

Format changed: from a Letter landscape page to a standard 6×9.

Yes, this means POD (but not now… in two or three months top, I’d say…).

Originally shared by Davide Pignedoli

There’s a new edited version of City of Judas available today!

In a few words: no changes to mechanics but full editing by Jim Comer (tons of typos and mistakes fixed). Format changed: from a Letter landscape page to a standard 6×9. Yes, this means POD (but not now… in two or three months top, I’d say…).

Below is the “official” update statement:

It has been a while since the last update, but this is a major one and calls for a couple of notes.

First of all: the text of City of Judas has been edited by the fantastic Jim Comer. This means that the file you have here is much better than the previous one.

There were no changes to rules or mechanics, but a few improvements to the setting and in the general a full review of the text and some serious cleanup for typos and mistakes.

If you spot anything wrong that we might have missed, please let us know and we will revise and fix again.

Second: the manual format has changed. From the previous landscape (screen friendly) to a classic 6×9.

We thought you can still make it screen friendly by viewing 2 pages at once, or even virtually printing it with the pages side by side to a new pdf.

Third: yes, the change to 6×9 of course is because we plan to make a print on demand version available soon.

The POD version will probably be softcover only, and not all of the images are of the best quality, but with POD it will be reasonably cheap, and handy at the table.

The plan is hopefully to make the POD available within two or three months (it will depend on the result of the proof printing).

Let us know what you think of the revised version, and again, if you spot any other typos or mistakes let us know, so we can fix them before printing.

Writing I am pleased with…

Writing I am pleased with…

Writing I am pleased with…

For my light, soap opera PbtA game: “Each time you roll with a stat that is not highlighted, you gain 1 fandom and highlight that stat. At the start of the next episode, all the leads take turns to narrate an opening montage: they quickly recap a line of their dialogue or an action they took in the previous episode and unhighlight the stat relating to that. Keep going around the table, taking turns, until all the stats of all the leads are unhighlighted once again.”

I think this could even work well as part of one-shot play: start everyone with 2 or 3 fandom (experience) and get them to recap the imaginary previous episode! 😀

Second half of session 4 of our space based Apocalypse World game.

Second half of session 4 of our space based Apocalypse World game.

Second half of session 4 of our space based Apocalypse World game. The characters are beaten, burned, and in withdrawa (or busy taking care of those fools). Time to rest, learn secrets, and foreshadow new threats.

In session 3 of our co-MC’d Apocalypse World game, play focuses on the crew as they jurney through space to a new…

In session 3 of our co-MC’d Apocalypse World game, play focuses on the crew as they jurney through space to a new…

In session 3 of our co-MC’d Apocalypse World game, play focuses on the crew as they jurney through space to a new location. Tight spaces, tough relationships, and space madness.

My free Ironsworn RPG had its final, big update yesterday.

My free Ironsworn RPG had its final, big update yesterday.

My free Ironsworn RPG had its final, big update yesterday. Just a bit of tidying up to do over the next few weeks getting it ready to offer as POD.

It’s not strictly PbtA, but is heavily PbtA influenced. Lots of thanks to all the great PbtA game designers who blazed the trail.

Originally shared by Shawn Tomkin

I’m happy to announce the release of Ironsworn Preview 7, now available at

Ironsworn is the free tabletop RPG of perilous quests for solo, co-op and guided play. Preview 7 makes it a complete book, pending only final fixes for typos and other errors.

Preview 7 includes:

– An extensive new chapter covering campaign setup, gameplay principles, techniques for managing your Ironsworn quests, and tips and options for adjusting and hacking Ironsworn.

– Four new NPC’s, including the horrifying Chimera and the indomitable Iron Revenant.

– New oracles and tweaks to existing oracles.

– Extensive revisions to all character assets, plus 9 new assets.

– Fixes, clarifications, corrections and tweaks.

– An index (a bit of a work-in-progress)

There are undoubtedly still some issues (hopefully small ones). I have a feedback form available here: If you find an error, please let me know!

A change log is available here:

Thanks to everyone for their support and feedback! You can download the Ironsworn RPG at Let me know what you think!

The current (and more or less final) rules for my quick & dirty soap opera hack: I’m trying to keep this light by…

The current (and more or less final) rules for my quick & dirty soap opera hack: I’m trying to keep this light by…

The current (and more or less final) rules for my quick & dirty soap opera hack: I’m trying to keep this light by depending on pre-existing knowledge of PbtA games.

The Zombie Squad – Death Row Edition is now available in both PDF and Softback from DTRPG.

The Zombie Squad – Death Row Edition is now available in both PDF and Softback from DTRPG.

The Zombie Squad – Death Row Edition is now available in both PDF and Softback from DTRPG. The game is a Sci-Fi action RPG which mixes Firefly with the Dirty Dozen.

The Players are Military prisoners pulled from Death Row and stuck in a penal squadron to do the dirty jobs. The game allows players to create Cyborgs, use Giga-Voodoo (a way to control machines with your mind). get involved in ship combat and discover ancient alien ruins on distant planets.

All Powered by the Apocalypse.–Death-Row-Edition–Death-Row-Edition

Build a new world in the ruins of the future!

Build a new world in the ruins of the future!

Originally shared by Jay Iles

Build a new world in the ruins of the future! In the new edition of Legacy: Life Among the Ruins, now up for sale on DriveThruRPG, you’ll make your own post-apocalyptic world, control a family of survivors, and tell the saga of your new world over generations.

Greetings all!

Greetings all!

Greetings all! My 7 year old daughter is interested in RPGs. I figure PbtA is a pretty easy system to start her off. Now I’ve never played a PbtA game, but I’ve listened to several APs of them. My question is:

Is there any PbtA games that let you play a fairy? I’ve seen Midsummer Wood, but that is competitive. I will be running for my wife and daughter.

Thanks in advance!