The Veil book 1 and 2 are available for purchase worldwide!

The Veil book 1 and 2 are available for purchase worldwide!

The Veil book 1 and 2 are available for purchase worldwide!

The first printing sold out, enabling us to do a second printing. As backers know, the first printing was a misprint; the final version wasn’t used by the printer but the second printing rectifies that, as well as additional text from feedback from folks in the community, and 12 new pieces of art. An alternate cover marks the difference between printings.

If you want to nab a copy and you’re in the US, IPR has both in stock:

If you’re outside of the US, our webstore has copies in stock and will be a cheaper option than ordering from IPR:

Apocalypse World – session one.

Apocalypse World – session one.

Apocalypse World – session one.

Our second session of AW tonight (the first was session zero). Our group consists of –

Paul as Boo, an Angel.

Rick as Marlon, a Driver.

Bard as Emmy, a Maestro’ d.

Dave as Keeler, a Gunlugger.

John as Sundown, a Brainer. (absent this week)

Our second session starts with three of the PC’s wanting gigs. They’re low on barter already.

We all decide the Sheriff from New Jerusalem wants Jackson’s biker gang killed and agrees to pay them two barter each for it. He wants half the loot from the gang until the gunlugger goes aggro on him, which quickly changes his mind. But now he’s all like “fuck you” to Keeler. I’ve already highlighted everyone’s hard during Hx cos I’m pretty sure blood will flow tonight.

The scene in the Pig Pen (Maestro’D’s bar) allows rolls for read a sitch, read a person, manipulate someone etc., along with some playbook moves (way out of here, eye on the door and everyone eats, even that guy). This is all driven by the conversation of course. After every move I make I’m asking “what do you do?”.

There’s a scene with the driver trying to sucker someone, which he totally misses, so I turn his move back on him, and he hears a gun cock next to his ear. This is what lets him get an eye on the door.

We’ve already established the psychic maelstrom was created by a computer virus, before, or during the fall (was it because of, or the cause?). It manifests as electronic “white noise”, like an audible TV static, through bluetooth headsets, walkie talkies, radios, TV’s etc. MC note – I’ve been told “The Cell” movie, and “Dollhouse” TV shows have some good tips for this.

The aim of the party now is to find whatever is generating this virus (AI supercomputer? Underground? Military hardware, like the “Red Queen”?), and get rid of it.

I had initially envisaged a “Pig Pen” vs “New Jerusalem” scenario a la “The Stand”, but now have a radically different story arc to consider. And you know what? – I love it!

I’m rolling with what the players are putting down, and between us we’re creating a pretty good story.

Two of my players have already gained an experience improvement – is this normal to improve once per session? The others are one roll away. I want to see them unlock more rewards, and grow as characters. They need five to unlock those advanced rewards right, so that’s another four sessions at least.

Also Gunluggers – how shit hard are they. He walked up to the biker gang with a machinegun and just mowed them down! Because he’s got that small gang thing going he was on equal terms, and his armour kept him from harm (along with “suffers little harm”). Is that normal too? I mean one guy taking out a small gang on his own. I visualised it like Terminator, bullets smacking into his flak vest, and him just keeping walking. Wow!

The driver used his car to mow down some, and the other players cashed out the rest. All except Jackson, the leader, who is Preacher Moon’s brother (the leader of New Jerusalem, and the Sheriffs real target). He had that crazy tech virus thing going, so the Angel wants to heal him. I need to decide where that’s headed – maybe he pretends to recover, but is still working for the computer?

Thanks to all of you that offered advice on my first post. I used most, if not all, of those suggestions and had a great game thanks to it. Any more suggestions gratefully received.

Anyway, until next time – keep your supplies close by, and your powder dry.

Adios amigos.

We’re looking for one player for an Apocalypse World Play-By-Post.

We’re looking for one player for an Apocalypse World Play-By-Post.

We’re looking for one player for an Apocalypse World Play-By-Post. We’re going into Session 2, so it’s a perfect time to join up.

About the Game:

* We’re using Apocalypse World 2nd Edition.

* The game is set on Mars after a half-complete terraforming project. What’s left after the project was abandoned are filthy and terrible people surviving by violence and desperation. Think: Mad Max on Mars.

* The game is Rated R. There is blood, filth, sex, violence, and in some cases all those things mixed together.

The story as of now:

The players’ characters all live in a Martian mesa-complex called Red Butte. Recently, an insurgency from the previous ruler of the holding has bombed the large marketplace that drew in hundreds from all over the wastes for a monthly festival. The insurgents also assassinated the leader (a former PC named Barnum). In the aftermath, one of the other PCs have taken over the holding and will rule now. The second session will begin a month after this bombing.

That’s the basics anyhow. There’s more. Play to find out.

We play on a local forum that I manage, so if you’re interested in being a player, post here:

In the newest issue of Uncanny Echo over at my Patreon, musicians who have made a bargain with the devil band…

In the newest issue of Uncanny Echo over at my Patreon, musicians who have made a bargain with the devil band…

In the newest issue of Uncanny Echo over at my Patreon, musicians who have made a bargain with the devil band together to hatch a plan to get their souls back.

Each issue is small, around 15-20 pages each, assumes you know how to play PbtA, and leverages that to make rules-light one-shots that all end up contributing to a meta-narrative in a nebuelous city where these strange events unfold.




Small announcement mostly for Polish speaking part of community.

Me and my friend are now sharing our Dungeon World experience. Our channel offers streams and videos of our sessions. Gole is to popularise PBTA systems in Poland. We might make some English language content too. Please share, like and subscribe. Links below. Thanks!

YT channel

Facebook Page

Apocalypse World – session zero.

Apocalypse World – session zero.

Apocalypse World – session zero.

So we finally got to play AW last night. Our group consists of –

Paul as Boo, an Angel.

Rick as Marlon, a Driver.

John as Sundown, a Brainer.

Bard as Emmy, a Maestro’ d.

Dave as Keeler, a Gunlugger.

After playbooks were chosen, moves picked, and looks decided on, we did the Hx thing, going round the table. I frantically wrote notes on index cards, to detail the relationships, but also recorded the session on an MP3 player, so I can listen again if I need to.

The group are based at “The Pig Pen”, which is the Maestro’s establishment. The main attraction is the fights, supplemented by booze and sex. We’ve got bare knuckle brawls and mud wrestling babes in two rings in the bar. The bar is in an old roadhouse at back of a rundown gas station (pre-fall this was a common amenity along the roads).

Nearby, about 12 miles away, is the town of New Jerusalem. It’s run by a preacher called Moon, and presided over by the local Sheriff. The folks there don’t tolerate booze, sex or fighting in town limits, so regular old battered, battery powered buses run out to the pig pen, so the townies can get their jollies. Naturally some folk are not best pleased about that.

We also have a biker gang run by Jackson, who unknown to most, is the preachers half brother.

I set a few scenes where the players could role play their characters, but was dissapointed by the lack of any real buy in. I had the driver and brainer approaching the town, in the big old muscle car, engine throbbing in the sunset, along the arrow straight road. Cue players – go! Nothing! OK, so what do you guys talk about? “Nothing – we can speak volumes with a single glance”. OK, cool, let’s note that one for the future.

We had the others in the bar, watching the fights and wrestling. OK you’re all there drinking – go! Nothing! Maybe I should have thrown an NPC in their face, all drunk and nasty?

All the group seemed to totally ignore all the relationships formed during Hx, and expressed strong dislike for any “inter party conflict”. Hmm, so I’ll have to provide all the impetus and antagonism they need. I think we’re missing out on a big part of the game there, but will make a story of “us vs them” to accommodate. After all, it’s their story. I’m sure conflict will arrive soon enough, and I’m really looking forward to find out how the story develops…

Did I have too high expectations from the group maybe? Any advice on how to encourage role play appreciated. Any other advice you guys can provide also appreciated. I’ll be doing threat maps etc. later this evening (+1 GMT here, UK time).

Some love for The Sprawl on Kotaku! Checkit, Hamish Cameron!

Some love for The Sprawl on Kotaku! Checkit, Hamish Cameron!

Some love for The Sprawl on Kotaku! Checkit, Hamish Cameron!

Version of 3.8 of Impulse Drive is now available. Big changes in this version so check them out!

Version of 3.8 of Impulse Drive is now available. Big changes in this version so check them out!

Originally shared by Adrian Thoen

Version of 3.8 of Impulse Drive is now available. Big changes in this version so check them out!

Yesterday, we conducted a Frankenstein PbtA experiment: we each picked two moves from different PbtA games and threw…

Yesterday, we conducted a Frankenstein PbtA experiment: we each picked two moves from different PbtA games and threw…

Yesterday, we conducted a Frankenstein PbtA experiment: we each picked two moves from different PbtA games and threw them together in the melting pot to see what kind of game they suggested. The moves could be from anywhere in each game, so basic, peripheral or playbook, but the concept required that they all be treated as basic moves for our game.

We ended up with moves from Dungeon World, Velvet Glove, Apocalypse World and Masks, among others: the combination of these lead us to create a setting about magical female spies for a fantasy kingdom who went into situations to prevent wars and other conflicts from breaking out! It was epic and fun and we even got a serious story out of it in which our characters judged and executed a young noble.

It briefly gave me the urge to compile an encyclopedia of PbtA moves and pack it with rules for the ‘create your own unique game & setting’ our MC presented us with.

Some of the inspiration came from Crowsmantle, which encourages players to collaborate in creating entirely new moves and other mechanics for the game; our MC for that just thought “Hey, you could just use existing moves from other games,” and it snowballed from there.

PBTA folks: How literal are you with interpreting questions from investigative or interrogative Moves like Read a…

PBTA folks: How literal are you with interpreting questions from investigative or interrogative Moves like Read a…

PBTA folks: How literal are you with interpreting questions from investigative or interrogative Moves like Read a Sitch and Read a Person? I find I’m pretty abstract in interpreting them, depending on the circumstances when the Move is rolled.

Do you let the player ask a question in their own words and then interpret the answer through the list?