Greetings! My latest game features many elements that were inspired by Apocalypse World and the PbtA system. Please check it out if you’re keen.
Greetings! My latest game features many elements that were inspired by Apocalypse World and the PbtA system. Please check it out if you’re keen.
The assault on General Mill’s complex continues!
The assault on General Mill’s complex continues! There were some excellent shenanigans in this episode, including something with Koo’s boomerang that I think you guys will enjoy immensely.
Join us for the penultimate episode of Apocalypse World!
Originally shared by Colin Matter
Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for the second part of the final session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me as usual for this installment in our version of the volcanic apocalypse in a ruined North…
A new version of Impulse Drive is available!
Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
A new version of Impulse Drive is available!
The biggest changes are to the questions in Scope It Out Move, and bookmarks and page links.
Today is the last day to get Issue 4 of my serialized PbtA series of games that I release monthly on my patreon for…
Today is the last day to get Issue 4 of my serialized PbtA series of games that I release monthly on my patreon for $2 a month! This issue was inspired by Bringing Out The Dead, where the player characters are medics in ambulances and the fiction focuses on what they see on the peripheral as they go about their work. It’s about bearing witness, not simulating the job of a medic.
Tomorrow Issue 5 drops, where the PCs are members of a unique order divested from a fictitious Catholic Church which combats all manner of things that seek to encroach on and destroy the faith.
Each month my $5 patrons vote on a poll with a few selections, choosing what the next issue will be.
Hello! If you have been thinking about pledging to the Gauntlet Patreon, today would be a terrific day to do so! Right now, your $4+ pledge gets you three issues of our zine, Codex (which always has Powered by the Apocalypse stuff in it):
-Codex – Love 2 and Codex – Love, both in the feed until midnight.
-Codex – Moonlight, which enters the feed tomorrow.
If you have any questions, let me know!
Please re-share!
How explicit are your sex moves?
How explicit are your sex moves?
When you engage an Apocalypse World sex move, or any other game’s “intimacy” move where it means sexual contact, how explicit do you get about what’s happening?
For my own part, I haven’t played out too many of these. I don’t have enough instances to say how I generally handle it. But the way I feel like I’ve done it the most, and the way I’m probably most comfortable with, is typified by a scene between my Fae and Jeffrey Dieterle’s Mortal in Shane Liebling’s Monsterhearts game we played a while back.
Josef (if I remember his name right) the Mortal was an immigrant from Poland and a Christian, with a very close, very traditional family. He was innocent. My Fae (can’t remember her name) was the spirit of the free-love / get-high / drop-out 60s hippies (who occasionally went dormant and lost her memories when things got repressive in the culture). Oh, and Josef was a virgin. For character reasons, it was important to me to know in broad terms, what intimacy between them looked like.
We talked it through without roleplaying it out, to roughly characterize the sex. If I remember correctly, we decided my character led, and gently pushed him as far as he was comfortable with, which was great in the moment but freaked him out later. (Correct me if I’m wrong, Jeff.)
So my answer to my own question is, I assess whether there’s anything I need to learn about the characters from hearing details, and get just to those level of details. In some cases it may as little as be seeing the morning after. I can’t imagine I’d need to know about explicit acts, unless they had become plot relevant, or if it would really matter to a certain character to do a certain sex act.
Of course, this was a private game in a mostly-private place with good friends. I expect for many people, what they’re comfortable with would depend on context. I still think this would be my approach in most contexts. But if I were engaging in a streaming game, or maybe if I were feeling really uncomfortable with a certain table (though that almost never happens to me, which my being cis/straight/heterosexual/white probably helps with), I could see going for less detail, or maybe avoiding these topics at all.
Hey everyone!
Hey everyone! This is the first part of the final session we played of Apocalypse World. I hope you have enjoyed the ride as much as we did and will enjoy our finale!
Originally shared by Colin Matter
Hello! Please join the Wednesday Night Crew for the first part of the final session of our Apocalypse World series! Alex, Kaetlyn, Kolton, and Matt joined me as usual for this installment in our version of the volcanic apocalypse in a ruined North…
Interview with Vincent Baker
Interview with Vincent Baker
In this episode of StoryAlways we had the pleasure of interviewing the great Vincent Baker. We talked about all the details of his and Meguey Baker‘s new game The King is Dead, his design process, his evolution as a designer, his current interests and many other things. Thanks so much to Vincent for giving us this opportunity and I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did.
The King is Dead kickstarter:
Meguey’s website:
Meguey’s Patreon:
Vincent’s Patreon:
Vincent’s website:
Tonight at 8pm PDT catch Session 0 of Carefree High, a new Monsterhearts 2 actual play streaming on Twitch and…
Tonight at 8pm PDT catch Session 0 of Carefree High, a new Monsterhearts 2 actual play streaming on Twitch and YouTube and available as a podcast on Happy Jacks RPG!
Set in the 90s in the small town of Carefree, AZ, these monstrous teens will win, steal or eat your heart!
This has been a big project so far for me.
Originally shared by Adrian Thoen
This has been a big project so far for me. I spent a lot of time with composition. A lot more painting that my previous pieces for Impulse Drive – those clouds for instance.
Still gotta tidy up the lines on the Mystic and shade the structures and ground.
#ImpulseDrive #PBTA